Important A/N

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Hello my elves & fairies,

I wanted to tell you that 'Amethyst & The Secret of Eviona' will be on a break for a time period.

Perfect time to catch up!

During this break, it is like one of those tv-shows breaks really, I'll be editing the entire segment of Chapter 1, and publish the 2nd drafts, along with working ahead on new chapters!

See 'Table of Contents' for further information about the chapters and their (edited) parts!

I worked really hard on making the world of Eviona a bit more detailed and making it more enjoyable and interesting for you to read. I also have corrected the small mistakes I have made in the past!  Honestly, I can't wait for these (minor) changes to be seen by you!

I would definitely recommend reading the entire 'Prologue + Chapter 1' segment again once it is edited.



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