Chapter 1 - Death By The Victim II

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"I saw him, girls. He is tied up against a tree," whispered Cos as he ran back to Amethyst and Blossom who were hiding between a pair of bushes.

"How many elves?" asked Blossom while she was focusing on getting her arrows ready for battle.

"I saw no one."

"That can't be right," said Amethyst.

Blossom was thinking. "We stick to the plan. Amethyst helps Avalon with his ties. We'll take out whoever is there. We can do it."

They nodded.


Amethyst slowly walked up towards Avalon. He saw her, but he couldn't say anything to her. Avalon had a towel in his mouth. He tried to get rid of it. He also saw Blossom and Cos in the distance, ready to fight.

"And? Anyone yet?"

Blossom shook her head.

"Nope, I see nobody. I got my arrow and bow ready, though. "

Cos nodded, "I am ready."

Amethyst got closer and closer to their father. She was nervous. Amethyst kept looking around for traps or worse, the kidnappers.

"Don't worry father, we will get you out of here," she whispered.

Avalon looked like he didn't want them here. He kept pointing with his head to Blossom and Cos' direction, but every time Amethyst turned around, she saw nothing. She thought her father must have been worried for the kidnappers to return. Amethyst was sure they could do it, just like Hiro was sure he could do his plan..

I was right, they always fall for it every single time.

So sad.

Well, let's give my pal Avalon the honours of starting this show.

It's the least I can do before killing him.

Amethyst finally got to Avalon. She put out the towel.

"Run! Run!" yelled Avalon. He looked at Amethyst who was confused. "You must go now! Get into safety!"

"What did he say, Blos?" asked Cos who was trying to figure out what was going on there. Blossom tried to reach out to both Amethyst as Avalon, but it didn't seem to work. She was too distracted to focus on their connection.

"I don't know, Cos. You check up on them."

He looked into her beautiful eyes. "You sure?"

"Yes! I'll be fine! Now go!"

"Father, what do you mean?" asked Amethyst while she was trying to make the ties loose. She totally ignored Avalon's worried face. He was trying to find out where Hiro went. "Blossom and Cos are here.."

He tried to hug her with the remaining ties.

"Tell Blossom I love her, please. Now run!" Avalon begin to drop tears.

"Father! We will get you out of here!"

Avalon shook his head, "He won't let me go."


Avalon wanted to tell Amethyst everything, but then ninja blades cut Avalon everywhere in his body.

"Find Bishop!" he yelled in shock. "He-" Avalon couldn't finish his words. He bled to his death so fast. Amethyst tried to stop it, but the blood kept coming and coming.

"Shit! Coss! Hurry!" screamed Blossom. She was in shock by how fast it happened.

Where did the ninja blades come from? They came out of nowhere.

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