Chapter 03

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The next morning Katie had to get used to her room again. The seventh years room wasn't much of a change from the last bedrooms they were in. Only the posters change from year to year. 

Katie's side of the bed was hanging full of posters from a muggle tv show called The Vampire Diaries. She was a big fan. She even went to conventions around the world to meet the muggle actors who played their role in the series. She had some pictures from home. Not from her and her mother or father, from her and Dumbledore, her true father she had pictures with. 

Lily's side of the bed was filled with posters from her favorite Quidditch team. Moving pictures. Also on her nightstand were photos of her and James. Also her family. 

In the boys bedrooms Sirius had his side filled with Quidditch posters as well. He installed his broomstick next to his bed. Not with the other broomsticks from school. He didn't want to risk his Nimbus 1000 to be used by anyone else but him. He even had a mini version from the Golden Snitch standing on his nightstand. The snitch he had could fly trough the room if you wanted it to fly. 

Peters bedside was quite empty. Remus had pictures of his parents. James had Quidditch stuff on every inch of his side as well. 

Katie awoke before all others did. She quickly got dressed and went outside to the Black Lake hoping that no one would see her. 

Only someone did. It was Severus Snape. He followed her trough the school grounds, making sure she didn't noticed he was right there behind her. Severus blinked and then suddenly with a big splash Katie was no where to be found. 

Severus looked at the Black lake and stared at the circles in the water that Katie left behind. Was it Katie that jumped into the water. He couldn't tell for sure, but one minute he was following her and the next she was gone. There was definitely something fishy going on. 

Katie swam in the sweet water pool. She witnessed the giant squid sleep. Thank God. She went deeper and deeper until she was as far as she could go. Merfolk were looking at her but didn't do anything. They knew who she was and why she was here. Katie meant no harm, meaning no war. She even befriended one of the merfolk people that many mermaids feared. That is the main reason why she could swim so freely in here. 

She swooped her tail faster and faster and hummed an under water song like the beautiful siren she was. 

Above the surface Severus Snape was contemplating where Katie just went. But he heard the school bell and figured it was time for breakfast before he was too late for his classes. 

Katie however had no knowledge of time while being under water. She had found her friend Nesitah. Nesitah was one of the Merfolk. She was also one of the very few Merfolk who spoke English. 

'Hello, how was your holiday?', Nesitah asked. 'It was okay, I can't believe that is my final year. After this I need to make a choice, if I choose to be learning the ways under water, I will have to stay there for quite some time, maybe forever', Katie said. 

'It's not that time yet, you have time. You should ask yourself this, this entire year', Nesitah said. 'Yeah, what should I ask myself?', Katie said. 'Is there something or perhaps someone, a reason to stay on land, is that reason worth it', Nesitah said. 'That sounds very wise, I will ask myself that. I'm sorry I can't stay long, I have classes in a few. I have to hurry back up', Katie said. 'It's okay, I'm glad your back, I'm expecting more of these under water visit's you know', Nesitah said. 'You bet your fine fishy ass I will', Katie replied with a grin and she swam back up. 

She quickly was on land. Her heavy tail on the dry grass made it difficult to dry up. But when you happened to be a witch you just need a little magic to help yourself sometimes. 

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