Chapter 17

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here it is, the third and promised chapter this week


Reese twirled her bracelet around her wrist, watching the braided twigs spin around her pale skin. She didn’t know what to do with herself, and that really bugged her. There was a slight tingling flowing through her, urging her to move. She hated, not moving, not doing anything. She pulled in a long breath, smelling the subtle sent of pine. Home… She missed it all, her sister especially. She allowed herself one more minute of solitude, and then she’d be off, on the run.


“Stop” Harlow whispered. She could hear something, shuffling. Kryton looked at her angrily. “What are you waiting for? Just attack”

“No” she hissed, we can’t just go in and kill. We don’t know who it is; it could be that boy from six, or Cinocca even. We need a plan.”

“Who cares about the plan, we can take Cinocca” Kryton stalked off into the clearing.

“No! Stupid. Come back” she headed out after him, watching as the girl from seven easily dodged a hit from an axe. It lodged itself into the tree behind her, and the girl whipped around and pulled it back out. She swung it forward, hitting Kryton in the arm. He yelled out, as she got on her feet and ran.

Harlow chased after her,  pushing Reese roughly into a tree. She pulled out a syringe, then plunged it into the girl’s neck. Her eyes rolled back, as she tumbled to the ground. The cannon boomed, signalling Reese’s death.

Harlow climbed down on her knees, pulling up Kryton by his good arm. “So, still think we should go without a plan?” Kryton merely responded with a moan of pain. She dragged him along, returning to their camp.

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