Chapter Two

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Pidge Pov (Warning: if you're not okay with blood you should skip the first bit I don't think it's that bad but if you're not okay with it then skip)

I slowly open my eyes to see my big brother matt and my dad standing there right in front of me I smiled and started to cry tears of joy I tried to move but I couldn't I tried so hard but just couldn't do anything.

Then all of a sudden I saw my dad and my brother get stabbed those tears of joy soon turned to tears of fear and sadness it hurt it hurt so much to see them in pain they were kicked punched stabbed anything you can think of that hurt happened to them.

There was so much blood it was torture seeing them get hurt, hearing them scream it all hurt so much I was crying so much and tried to move again but still couldn't I couldn't talk either all I could do was watch them get tortured and then the guy finally pulled a gun out my eyes widen and had my last bit of energy to try and move but I couldn't and I was to late. I heard them scream and as a pool of blood quickly surrounded them.

I quickly sat up from my bed crying hot tears quickly but quietly, panting heavily I soon realized it was a nightmare I calmed down but the tears never stoped my vision got a bit blurry from the tears I looked at the clock and tried my best to make out the time it said 3:23 am.

I tried to wipe away the tears but they kept on coming down I couldn't go back to sleep I just spent the rest of the night thinking about where my dad and brother could be.

Time skip to 7:45 am

I glanced at the clock as my eyes widen in shock "I'm gonna be late!" I quickly put on a shirt and some shorts and my glasses that I didn't really need I ran downstairs to make a quick and easy breakfast and put bread in the
toaster while that was happening I put on my socks and shoes and gathered my stuff together

I then ran to get the toast from the toaster before it burnt "Bye Mom I'm going to school!" I put the toast in my mouth grabbed my bag and my other school supplies grabbed the keys locked the door and ran to school.

I bumped into someone again but this time I didn't fall I looked up to see lance smiling down at me "so I see you took breakfast to go?" I nodded and finished the last piece of toast but all of a sudden he lifted up my chin up some "Have you been crying?" He asked sorry feeling his eyes "N-No I'm f-fine."

I cursed myself under my breath for my words failing me. Then hunk came over and shouted at us "come on you two or we are going to be late!" Then hunk started running I was about to run into the school as well when lance grabbed my wrist and made me stop.

I looked up at him as he leaned towards my ear and whispers "we will finish talking about this later alright?" He sounded very worried I slowly nodded as he let go of my wrist and we started running to class

Me, Lance, Keith, Hunk, And Shiro all have the same class together history with Mr.Altea we quickly take our seats and the bell rang just as we sat down and we sighed in relief then class started

"Hello! I am coran or Mr.Altea and today I wanted to talk about that you all probably never heard about well us 'monsters' have something that the human's don't and does anybody have a clue on what that is?" Mr.Altea asked as he looked around the room

But no one raised there hand they just listened curiosity or interested

"We have spirit animals and they have special or un-normal colors based on you're personality also you will gain special powers we have to do a spell to summon them after that they can come around whenever they want the spell is a one-time thing and after that you and you're animal are free to do whatever you want also they will grow as you learn to control you're powers."

Everyone was shocked but excited Mr.Altea named people with there animals and powers then he came to me and my friends names and he began to speak them again

"Shiro you're animal is the black lion you're power is light and darkness, Keith you're animal is the red lion you're power is fire, hunk you're animal is the yellow lion power is wind, lance the blue lion and power is water, and pidge with the green lion and you're power is nature congratulations everyone." "You all can come to me when you want you're power and animal."

Then the bell rang as everyone started to pack up "Shiro, Hunk, Keith, Lance, Katie stay after class" after he said that we all sat back down watching everybody leave after they all left he shut the door

"What is it?" Keith asked impatiently then coran started "Well everyone got there powers but all of yours are more like elements and they are stronger then others also youre spirt animals are the rarest you can get you 5 are the only ones that have them."

"So basically we are special, rare, and awesome" lance asked in a cocky voice then coran started again

"Well I'm not really sure why but all I know is you all have very strong and rare abilities."We slowly nod trying to take in what he just said

"You five are going to be late hurry now and get to class!" Mr.Altea said In a happy voice

Time skip to the end of the day

We all agreed that we would go to see coran to get our lions and elements we walked into Mr.Altea's room and I started the conversation "we wanted to have our lions and elements"

He nodded and told us to sit down as he did he started to say some weird ass shit and long story short we ended up glowing I was green, Lance blue, Keith red, hunk yellow, and shiro gray

And then our lions peaked there head out from behind the desk it was adorable!

Lance's lion ran up to him and playfully tackled him and nuzzles him.

Shiro's sat next to him and nuzzles into his side.

Keith was sitting down patient with his hand out his lion came out and sniffed his hand and melted into it.

Hunks lion went right up to him and rubbed its head on him wanting attention.

And mine went right up to me laid on my lap and cuddles me as I pet her.

We all eventually said our goodbyes and went home with our lions except for me and lance and our lions.

Lance looked at me with worry in his eyes "So why were you crying earlier?" I sighed and just told him the truth from my brother and dad going missing to last nights nightmare.

At that point I somehow got on lances lap and was crying into his shoulder while he comforted me and our lions cuddled with us and each other eventually we went home I was carrying my baby lion and it was pretty late I unlocked the door while my lion was cuddling me while I held her then my mom shouted at me

"Katie is that a lion!?" "Yep." I replied and told her everything besides the nightmare she told me she was proud and signed the paper for me having a dorm I was to tired to eat dinner but fed my lion and went to bed snuggling my lion

Thank you for those who read this story it's so fun to right about I know only 12 people read this and others are out there getting 2k reads but this still means so so much to me im sure you understand if you're a writer if not it's just like the littlest things make a huge difference so again thank you for those who read this and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I love writhing bye!

Word count: 1424

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