Chapter Ten

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Pidge POV

It's been about three weeks since the 'incident' and about a week in I told them why I did it I told them everything but the bullying because I felt like I troubled them too much...

You can tell they pay attention more but they don't really treat me differently which I'm grateful for

But not to long after I told them lance started getting back to the dorm late and there are rumors about him and Allura dating

Everyone in school has been talking bout them and how cute they are together

For some reason it hurts every time I hear about it..

I know I should be happy for him even if It is true but I don't want to lose him to someone else he gave me hope and now that's slowly fading away

His bright smile that shines like the sun, his deep hopeful blue eyes, his soothing voice, his warm touch, just everything about him makes me want him to stay by my side

I feel comfortable around him that I can be myself but it doesn't matter because he's with Allura they are perfect for each other anyway

I mean I could never compete with her she's an angel literally

She's tall and has beautiful angel wings that are white and slowly grow into a light pink, and her eyes are blue irises with lavender pupils, she has long silver hair, with smooth dark skin.

She is the most prettiest and popular girl in my school they call her the princess of our school

meanwhile, most of the people in my school don't even know that I exist and the people that do call me nerd or bully me well besides the people living on my dorm room

I sighed and walked out of my room when I got outside of my room I saw Shiro and Matt cuddling in there sleep on the couch and there spirit animals curled up next to each other

It brought a small smile to my face when I realized how happy Shiro makes Matt and how happy they are just with each other's company

I was brought out of my thoughts from someone saying "Morning pidge want some coffee?"

I looked up to see hunk looking out of the door way from the kitchen

"No thanks I think I'll leave early today"

He gave me a soft smile and nodded before walking back into the kitchen to continue to make breakfast for him and the others

I put on my shoes and grabbed my wand and started to away from the dorm

I sighed looking around just trying to focus or think of anything else other then Lance and Allura

I guess I wasn't paying attention because I bumped into someone and fell

Once I got out of my daze and realized what was happening I saw a hand out in front of me I smiled slightly and gave them my hand as they pulled me up and off the ground

When I looked up to see who I bumped into it and it was who I least expected

When I looked up I saw that perverted vampire from before

I think he said his name was hunter but I'm not sure since I was pretty much half asleep when he told me

"Hey I'm glad I ran into you I wanted to tell you I'm extremely sorry for before and I was out of place..."

His voice was sincere and his eyes were full of guilt so I knew he wasn't lying and he really meant it

I gave him a small smile and said "it's alright just don't do it again." in a soft voice

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