Chapter Nine

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Lance's Pov

"We found out something had happened to her..."

After I heard the doctor say that I immediately calmed down and focused my attention on him.

"what happened to her?" I said In a stern voice but in a worried voice too.

Matt's eyes were full of sadness and concern he looked so upset and worried...

"Well we found a lot of scars on her and they aren't from cutting do you know what could have happened?" The doctor said seriously yet concerned

Matt's eyes widened in shock I saw that he was starting to cry and it would be hard for him to speak

He just shook his head no but I don't think the doctor saw so I decided to speak for him

I started to form tears but quickly blinked them away and started to speak for Matt

"No Matt her brother just came back from an incident and I haven't know pidge to long.."

She looked a bit confused for a few seconds after I said pidge for some reason then it looked like it clicked who I was talking about

She nodded understanding and finally moved so we could get threw the door

"I see well she may leave with you all today but I recommend keeping an eye on her." She responded calmly before leaving

I opened the door and found pidge sitting on the medical bed she had her arms around her legs and she had a bunch of bruises and scars on them

After I saw her I immediately ran to her and hugged her which of course she made an adorable squeak at since she was surprised but hugged back I missed this so much..

Pidge's POV as they were walking in

Suddenly the door opened which I flinched at

Matt's hair is a bit messier than usual and it looks like he has been crying

Lance looks even worse which is definitely not normal for him he looks so tired, he's deep blue eyes are red and puffy, he's hair is messy too which is very rare for him.

He ran and gave me a big hug which of course I made an annoying squeak too but hugged back

I forgot how much I missed his touch...

I looked over to Matt and gave a small smile "come here" I said happily

They both sat down next to me which made me happy

Matt was on my left hugging me and crying on my shoulder, Lance was on my right cuddling me while silently crying

Hearing them cry hurt my heart so much I started to rub Matt's back and play with Lance's hair comforting them

Not long after the door opened again showing Shiro, Keith, and hunk they all looked so worried and tired..

"Pidge are you okay?" Hunk asked worried voice

"I'm alright now but can we please go home?"

They all nodded and Lance and Matt let go of me

I got off the bed and tried to stand but I guess I'm still a bit weak because as soon as I stood up I fell

Luckily lance caught me right before I touched the ground he picked me up bridal style and held me close as if I would disappear in any second.

He smiled down to me "I don't want you to walk until I know you're alright and have enough energy."

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