Chapter Eleven

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Pidge's POV

I was walking back to the dorm actually I was pretty tired since I was running and goofing off with hunter in the forest all day

Surprisingly he was pretty pure he was saying something about my scent made him act like that and he's a vampire so he has extremely good scenes I don't know, I'm too tired to care right now

My cub was already fast asleep when I finally got to the dorm and opened the door I saw everyone with worried looks

Once they heard the door open everyone looked over and looked more relieved for some reason

Not to long after that I noticed Allura was there which made me sad but I quickly covered that up.

After a few moments they looked like they realized something and they looked a bit upset but mainly Lance and Matt

I put my lion cub down on the couch and curled up and cuddled with her

"Where were you" Matt asked breaking the silence

"I was hanging out with hunter." I replied sleepily

"Are you okay and did he do anything?!" Matt asked in a panicked tone

I know Matt is saying this because he cares but honestly I don't give a shit about anything right now

"I'm fine and he honestly isn't that bad he said he acted the way he did because of my scent or some shit let's just talk about it in the morning."

I heard Matt sigh and mumble a little "fine."

I could already tell he was dropping it but he wouldn't leave the subject alone forever

I felt a deadly aura coming from lance after I talked about hunter i wonder what that's about? Oh well I'll ask about it tomorrow.

Suddenly allura came over to me

"Hello I'm allura you must be pidge? I'm sorry I came out of the blue but I wanted
to meet you all! lance talks about you all a lot especially you!" She said in a happy voice

I could feel myself start to blush but I quickly tried to hide it which I horribly failed at but her kind smile turned into a smirk

"It's nice to meet you" I mumbled still a bit embarrassed

Not to long later we all agreed to watch Some stupid comedy movie

I couldn't pay attention to the movie much because I was busy trying to stay awake

Eventually I gave in and fell asleep

Lance's POV

By the middle of the movie pidge was already fast asleep cuddling with her cub

I was still a bit upset that she smells like that half blood vampire but I'll talk with her tomorrow right now I just wanna enjoy the moment

Hunk must have noticed that pidge was asleep so he paused the movie making everyone look over

"Pidge is asleep and we need to refill our snacks anyway so someone needs to bring her to her room" Hunk said before grabbing the some of our snack bowls to refill them and left

"Keith could you help hunk with the snacks?" Allura said with a smirk

Keith and hunk just gave a simple nod before walking away

Me and Allura looked back down to see a sleeping pidge cuddling with her lion cub and Allura started to fangirl

"She is so adorable!" Allura whispered to me and without thinking I whispered back a quiet "yeah" back

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