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'So how's Mom and Dad?' I ask, taking a sip from my iced water. He smiles and squeezes my hand.
'They're alright, it was never the same without you. Dad became more absorbed in his work and Mom went quiet. She visited your grave every day for a year but gave up after that, her heart just wasn't in it. Oh, we scattered your ashes just where you said you always wanted them' I smiled.
'Mount Lee, I used to say that I wanted to be where the stars are' he rolls his eyes, probably because I've met most of them already. What can I say? Our parents owned Horowitz Industries, the main scientific industry in America. They were mainly funded by this big organisation but I can't remember its name.

I sigh and get up, signalling for Jason to get up too.
'Come on, we'd better hurry if we want to get dinner' as soon as I bring up food, he jumps up and runs after me. As we enter the Cafeteria I feel everyone's eyes on us, probably because I, the loner, just walked in with a hot guy. Eloise gets up and struts her way over to us, or more particularly, my brother.
'Hey, I'm Eloise; but you can call me-' before she can finish whatever awful pick up line that was, Jason politely walks past her. I smile, he was always the first to pick out the people who meant well from people like her.

We both take our seats next to my friends and I make the introductions. Brooke and Alex give him little smiles, Ash welcomes him but Albie and Jason seem to get on really well. I roll my eyes as the two begin to talk about sports so I turn to the others and strike up a conversation. Brooke and I started our friendship out of empathy, both of us died in the same circumstances. When you've gone through something like that, few people understand what it's like.

Well I wonder what this organisation is... Ayyyyyyyyyy. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and ill be back. 😊

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