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So this is the newest addition, sorry I left it o a cliff hanger. Hope you enjoy!

There was a small flash of light and a yelp as Jason was thrown to the ground, writhing in agony. Bethany and Ash immediately ran to his side and began to frantically call his name. Ash slowly put a hand on Jason's forehead but his eyes suddenly rolled upwards and he collapsed. 'Ash!' I yelled as I ran forwards and shook him. The confusion we used to feel had turned into fear as we crowded around the limp body of our friend.
'Don't just stand there, get help!' Albie growled at the two young teens that were frozen in shock. Jonas' eyes frantically flickered between Ash's unconscious form and something behind us.
'Guys...' Jake began; as we turned around, we saw the subject of interest.

'Put your hands in the air and slowly back away from the... the boy!' we heard a man shout as we turned around, only to find ourselves surrounded. Circling us were several people dressed in black uniforms with helmets and stun guns. I could hear Albie let out a small growl as he glared at the weapons, he never did like guns. The soldiers came forward and grabbed our arms, beginning to escort us away. Brooke, Bethany and I anxiously watched as they lifted Ash onto a stretcher, proceeding to bind him to it using these chunky magnetic cuffs.


Why is there a fence? What happened to Ash? Comment to tell me what you think. I love you all, have a nice day! 😊

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