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This is now Ash's pov, I hope you enjoy.

Warnings: mentions of needles and possibly creepy stuff

The first thing I noticed when I awoke was the dull ringing in my ears. My eyes slowly opened to see a bright light, I went to cover them with my hand but it wouldn't move. I tried to move it again but soon realised that my wrists were bound in leather straps. 'Asher Jude Klein?' I heard a voice say. I tried to answer but my voice was completely gone. 'Don't bother speaking, you're currently on mute' there was the voice again. And then there was the voice again. And then I saw her.

Katalina Morsova. Of all the people in the afterlife, it had to be her! She gave me a sickly smile as she adjusted the light above me. 'Do you know what you are, Mr Klein?' I frantically shook my head, what the hell was going on? 'Are you familiar with the term "Unknown"?' I shook my head again and she sighed. 'An Unknown is a rather unique... being. They possess incredible power varying from pyrokinesis to telekinesis' As she spoke, she prepared a needle filled with a strange blue liquid. She continued to speak as she placed a leather strap between my teeth. 'You, Mr Klein, possess the Unknown gene and your gift,' she inserted the needle into my upper arm, 'is Atomkinesis'. I harshly bit down on the strap as the azure substance entered my body, burning my veins. Every inch of my body began to seize up as I was suddenly forced into Fight or Flight mode. 'Goodnight Mr Klein' I heard her whisper in my ear before I passed out again.


So what's Morsova doing to Ash? What is an Unknown? Please tell me what you think and I'll be back as soon as I can with the next chapter. I love you all, until next time!

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