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Above is Alex's theme, Get Back Up Again

Warnings: some things may be emotionally triggering.

I had always imagined the afterlife to be big and green, I had expected to be greeted at the pearly gates by an angel; to be in a paradise. What I didn't expect was to wake up in a bed, surrounded by four plain white walls. A man opened the door and greeted me, bringing me to the Office. They told me I was dead, asked me if I remembered how it happened. At first, I didn't but then it all came rushing back to me.

Everything was calm and then... it was chaos. The staff did everything in their power to keep us calm and sort out the problem but it was hopeless. The new pilot had a gun and he was heading straight for a building. Then it came, the crash. I held my little sister tight as we braced for impact. My shaky hands stroked her blonde hair as I embraced tiny form. She was only eight years old and I'd broken my promise to our parents, I said I'd protect her and now we're both at the end of the line. The crash was almost peaceful, we were enveloped in fire as we fell in the morning silence.

It was several years after and I still hated myself for the broken promise. Then I met her, Amy Andersen. She was... amazing. Her carmine red hair flowed down her back and her pale skin was completely flawless. Naturally, we hit it off, we were perfect together. When we were in each other's company, we felt unstoppable; that was until she disappeared. She left without a trace and within a week, they had moved someone new into her room. No matter how many times I asked Morsova what happened, there still wasn't an answer. I started to have dreams of Amy calling for me, curled up on the floor of a small darkened room. Her face was bloody and there were discoloured patches of skin all over her arms. 


So... I wrote everything like two months before I published it on Wattpad and this is all I've written so far. It may take a while until my next update comes because of this but I'll do my best. Thanks for reading and I hope you have enjoyed the story so far. This story is entirely original, I came up with the plot, setting and characters; although some of the characters are based off the personalities of my friends and family (you know who you are). One more thing (this A/n is way too long), should I use Nervous or Last Text as Alex's theme? Let me know. Love ya! 😊

Redemption (incomplete) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon