Parties aren't my thing

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Kaede Akamatsu was hosting a party at her house. She was one of the popular kids in school. She seemed nice, but if she didn't like someone, her true self would show. Besides that, her whole class was pretty popular itself.

The most popular kids being Rantaro Amani and Kokichi Ouma. They were best friends along with Shuichi, and practically ruled the school. Some said it was because they were cute, or they had really outgoing personalities. Shuichi Saihara was just underneath them in the popularity rankings not with them at the top. This was because he didn't talk that much to people he didn't know and didn't need to know. He was quieter, and close to only his class. He didn't like Kaede much, seeing as being a detective always helped him spot out the 'true' her. But she was nice to him and he was nice back. Kaede didn't know Shuichi wasn't fond of her.

When Shuichi heard the news, he already knew his answer was going to be no. Kaede had asked him though, and it was hard to turn her down.

>>( these things means flashbacks)

"Hey Shuichi," Kaede said in a questioning tone, not necessarily saying 'hello'

"Yeah..?" Shuichi looked up at her from his desk.

Kaede put bar hands behind her back and formed a smile. "I'm having a party this weekend at my house! You've never been before, so I think it would be fun if you came too!"

Shuichi stood up and his eyes drifted to Kokichi and Kaito teasing eachother in the corner of the classroom. He liked Kokichi, and was actually pretty good friends with him. Shuichi blushed, but quickly turned back to Kaede.

"Oh u-umm.. I don't know? I don't really like parties much.." Shuichi could tell she was about to beg, and started talking again before she could. "A-ah but I'll think about it. Okay?"

Kaede's real smile faded, but replaced it with a fake one. "Okay! Let me know before Friday! That's the day of the party," She walked away to tell more people about it now.

It was now Thursday, and after tonight he'd have to give Kaede an answer. It was the last class of the day, and the last 5 minutes. By now, everyone was packing up and listening to the afternoon announcements. Shuichi sighed and and started to pack up.

"Hey, Shuichi!" He looked up to see Kokichi running towards him, Rantaro close behind.

Shuichi finished packing his stuff up and smiled warmly. He stood up fully, and looked down on him.

"Saihara-Chan! Are you going to Kaede's party? I am, we could go together. I can pick you up!" Kokichi looked very excited at his proposal, and Shuichi just blushed.

Rantaro was stuck waiting for them to get together. Them all being best friends was fun, but he had Shuichi tell him he liked Kokichi, and Kokichi would talk about how hot Shuichi was all of the time, and how he looked even hotter without his hat. Kokichi never admitted to feeling though, no matter how much Rantaro tried to make him.

"Yeah.. I am.. what time?" Shuichi made his decision right there, not wanting to pass up this opportunity. He was much more outgoing with his best friends, and also with Kaito and Maki, but they seemed to hang out with each other and not anyone else recently, so he didn't spend much time with them.

Kokichi suddenly looked slightly nervous but brushed it off. "Weeeeellllll I was hoping we all could go to either your house or mine from school and leave for the party at 8:00 or something.." Kokichi looked away while holding his hands down in front of him.

Rantaro spoke up, then, "Ah, Kiibo asked me to go with him. He's scared of Miu and doesn't want to go alone." He winked at Shuichi and turned around to go talk to Angie, Himiko, and Tenko. This wasn't a lie, Kiibo did actually ask. He just didn't tell Kokichi or Shuichi yet.

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