Sequel to New House thing

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So this takes place in the last oneshot's setting, and all the events that had just happened are part of this mmmmyea

I'm thinking since last oneshot was in Winter this is gonna be in Winter also, sooo yeah it's gonna be right where the last one left off. Btw I'm liking the house thing, so I might do a lot of oneshots within the same setting and stuff. The only reason it's not going to be a story ( at least yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but don't count on it ) is because I wanna see how long I can stick with updating so yaaaa.

No one's POV

Shuichi woke up to find Kokichi wasn't next to him. A little disappointed, he gets up and changes into a white t-shirt and blue jeans. A basic outfit that wouldn't protect him from the cold, but he decided he probably wouldn't leave the house anyway.

It had started to feel a bit chilly in the house over the first week when everyone moved in, but now it was colder inside the house. Still, it wasn't too cold for Shuichi.

Shuichi leaves the room and goes downstairs to see Kokichi sitting on a stool at the counter/ bar area with a blanket wrapped around him, while Kiibo and Kaito make breakfast.

Kokichi doesn't turn around to see who is coming in the room, but Kiibo and Kaito look up.

"Hello, Shuichi. We're making pancakes," Kiibo says upon seeing him.

"Yeah! They're gonna be the best," Kaito spoke up enthusiastically, holding up the spatula.

"Also," Kiibo started, walking over to whisper something to Shuichi. "Does Kokichi seem less enthusiastic and lively as usual? I'm still learning to read facial expressions, but he doesn't seem like himself."

Shuichi nodded, glancing at Kokichi before turning back to Kiibo. "I noticed too.. he was fine before. He even has a huge blanket.."

Then it clicked for Shuichi. He and Kiibo were overthinking it - Kokichi was just cold. Shuichi walked up to Kokichi and put a hand on his back, making him turn. "Kokichi, are you cold?" He asked to confirm his theory.

"N-no of course not," his teeth chattered as he spoke. "What do you think?! I don't have a b-b-blanket on for nothing!"

Kiibo spoke up, glad the confusion was cleared. "Oh! That makes sense. Online it says that the less weight someone has, it's more likely they'll get cold. Even when someone like Shuichi and Kaito aren't cold at all." Kiibo looks satisfied with the explanation and continues to make pancakes with Kaito.

Shuichi turns his attention back to Kokichi. Then he spoke. "We can go to the room for now, and I can turn the heaters on?" Shuichi didn't mention the part that he was going to make Kokichi warm himself as well.

"Nope! No thanks," Kokichi says, walking to the room. Confused, Shuichi decides to assume he was joking.

"I'll get you when it's done. Probably about an hour, to be honest," Kaito says, starting to make he pancakes.

Shuichi nods and opens the door to his and Kokichi's room, shutting it behind them. Kokichi had asked for a heater to be with him on his bed nights before. Shuichi compromised and set it in front of his bed. Now, it was turned off in the corner.

The windows had curtains on them, which could close of all the light. Shuichi noticed Kokichi over by them, shutting the curtains so it was darker.

His blanket fell off of him while he did this, and now it was easy to see he was shaking because of the cold. Shuichi picked it up, and placed it onto him again, wrapping him in a hug.

Shuichi swayed back and forth, not letting go of the leader yet. "S-Smooth..," Kokichi said through chattering teeth.

Shuichi laughed a little, and turned the heaters on, pointing towards his own bed. He moves the blanket and sheets, and sat on it, opening his arms for Kokichi to climb in with him. Kokichi happily walked over and up onto the bed, the blanket following behind like a cape.

Shuichi patiently waited as Kokichi got onto the bed, hoisted he rest of the blanket up, and wrapped himself up in it. He crossed his arms to his chest to snuggle into the blanket as he happily lets Shuichi wrap his arms around him.

He felt warmth from the heater, Shuichi, and his own blushing face. He felt warmer, but still shivered. Maybe it was his heart that felt warm? ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Shuichi blushed at the the cute, bundled up Kokichi he held. 'I know that I like him... should I just go for it? He likes me back, right? Friends don't just...cuddle like this...? Right?' Shuichi sighed, confused by himself. Kokichi noticed, and decided to speak up about it, as he wasn't exactly focusing on sleep more than being warm.

"What's the matter, am I too adorable?~". He finished the sentence of with a signature 'Nishishi', his real laugh poking through the facade.

"A-actually..... yeah," Shuichi responded, only holding Kokichi closer to hide his face in the blankets surrounding him.

Kokichi was a bit shocked, but tried to play it off, even though Shuichi wouldn't be able to see his face anyway. "W-w-well, I could say the same about you, especially right now..."

Shuichi calmed down a bit, despite that last comment. Be pulled Kokichi back a little, still holding him enough to keep him warm as he could.

"Kokichi.. I th-think.. no, I know," he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he reopened them, Kokichi looked up with a mix of worried, surprised, and maybe a little excitement in his eyes. "I like you Kokichi.. maybe even love. How could someone not love you? I could go on but.."

He took another deep breath, barely enough for what he was about to say.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Shuichi looked at him worriedly, yet lovingly and adoringly. He was prepared for a 'no'. He could handle it.

Kokichi snuggled as far as he could into Shuichi. He was affectionate for about almost a minute, before Shuichi said anything.

"So.. can I take that as a yes?" Shuichi put his arms fully around the boy that was inches away from being his

Kokichi nodded shyly, still snuggling. He shivered a bit, though. It almost gave off the wrong vibe, until Shuichi remembered they were only here because of Kokichi freezing.

Needless to say, Shuichi and Kokichi snuggled and cuddled nearly the whole day and night. Hey only got up to eat a little bit, and then went back to sleeping next to their newfound partners.

Sorry if this is pretty bad, but it's ok ¯\_()_/¯

I didn't really know where I was going with this but yeah, also I'm trying to upload at the very least once sometime in every week. I've been busyyyyyy at school and home recently, but it's all dying down for the next two-three weeks. Also this is short, only about 1000 words, but I wanna get something out ASAP. Also I have other oneshot ideas so yasss🥓🥓🥓🥓 see y'all!

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