Lost it all

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Rainbow L.J's pov.

I was walking in the park at the edge of the woods when I saw a little girl crying on the park bench "hey kiddo, what's the matter?" I said sitting next to her and put my arm around her and she looked up at me and said through sobs "d-daddy k-killed mom-my!" I was horrified of the words she said "what's your name little girl?" "(Y/n)" she said I hugged her tight she hugged back and calmed down a bit.

A week later.

I am now raising (y/n) in my carnival, she loves it here and I am enjoying her company, it gets lonely here and she's the only one who understands me.

I tucked (y/n) in and said my good nights it walked out to look at my carnival, I walked past the rides and the booths then rainbow Jill turned up "hey jack!" "Hey, Jill. Why are you here?" I asked "cause I wanted to see my favourite clown in the whole wide world!" She said jumping up and down full of FAKE excitement "oh goodie" I said and crossed my arms "jack!!!" I heard (y/n) yell with a puff of smoke I was in her room "nightmare again sweetie?" I asked walking over to her, she nodded "can I sleep with you tonight?" she asked "sure thing lollipop" I carried her to my room and we got in bed she cuddled up to me and fell asleep fast I lied there for a while listing to her calm and steady breath then fell asleep my self.

10 years later.

Your pov.

It's now my 15th birthday and I'm spending it alone in the orphanage. Like anyone would throw a party for me! I wouldn't even get a present. Oh we'll, I got up put my make up on, did my hair and walked to work, I work in a small café just around the comer from the orphanage. I walked in to the cafè and was greeted by my boss Tyler "(y/n)! Your late again! Your lucky I love you!" He giggled and hugged me I hugged back "sorry Tyler, Woke up late again" I said he kissed my cheek "sit down" he said smiling like crazy "what?" I said "sit. I order you." He said pushing me down to sit, I sat at a booth and Tyler went off out back (Tyler's your gay boss, yous two are very close!) Tyler came back out with a box "for you!" He said sitting and giving you the box "Tyler you shoulder have!" I said he shook his head "open it!" I opend it and there was a silver necklace with a picture of me and Tyler and next to it was a picture frame of me and Tyler the first day we met "(y/n), it's been 2 years with you, and I love you very much. Your like a sister to me, and your getting $15 extra pay from now on!" He said tears of joy pricked my eyes "tyler... Thank you so much!" I said and hugged him.

I was walking 'home' from work when I decided to got into the woods "pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like your less then fucking perfect" I sung quietly to my self while walking then a group of boys came out of no where and pinned me up against a tree "pretty voice you got there, but I bet what's under these cloths are better" one boy said while ripping off my shirt, I started to cry and they continued with tearing my cloths off I called for help but no one could hear me in to deep in the woods for that. After they finished gang banging me I lied on the ground in a ball and cried till there was no tears left I grabbed my cloths and put them on, my first time was rape....

I got back to the orphanage and ran to my room and put on my p.j's blue hello kitty bottoms and a black tank top "umm what are you wearing?!" Jessie said, Jessie's my room mate I HATE her so much! "My P.J's?" I said giving her a dirty look "you look ugly as usual." She fake smiled and walked out. I took my make up off and lied down, I put my earphones in and listed to black veil brides lost it all I hummed along with it then Reggie came in, Reggie's 5 years old he's my only friend here "(y/n)!!!" I sat up and took my ear phones out "hey Reggie!" I said he ran up to me and hugged me "happy birthday!" He said "thanks Reggie!!" He pulled away then held up a piece of paper with a drawing on it "I drew you and me!!" He said I took the paper and put it on my wall, my wall was filled with Reggie's drawings he giggled and yawned "we'll looks like someone's tired! Let's get you to bed!" I picked him up and took him to his room I lied him down and tucked him in "can you sing me a lullaby?" Reggie asked I nodded and sung, he fell asleep I kissed his fore head and walked out only to be face to face with the devils wife "what are you doing up!" Head mistrus said slapping my face "I-I was putting Reggie to bed" I said holding back tears "go. Now." She said I ran to my room Jessie was standing the ripping up Reggie's drawings "WHAT THE FUCK!!" I said ripping on her hair she fell to the ground and I got on to of her and started punching her face "MISS!!!" She yelled and head mistrus stormed in and pulled me off Jessie, she dragged me to her office and beat me as usual, I went back to my room Jessie was gone, I sat on my bed and grabbed out a razor blade "I wonder how it feels." I said to my self and cut my wrist blood spilled out and tricked down my arm it felt good so I made 3 more cuts then put the blade down I wiped the blood away then lied down falling asleep.

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