Prologue: Heroes and Villains

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[Hello readers! Here is my attempt at a villain Deku au book. I hope you enjoy this story I have planned. Also Angelspirit04 you already know who the traitor is sooooo sorry not sorry :P]


What do you wish for in life? Do you want fame? Fortune? Do you want some expensive shoes? Or maybe you want to be a superhero!

Imagine being able to fly, or having super strength. Teleportation sounds cool too! It would be so fun, fighting bad guys and helping people.

Maybe you don't want to be a hero, maybe you just want to show off your powers, or maybe you want to use your powers to become famous.

Or maybe you want to be a pop star, or an actor, maybe even a director! Possibly even an animator. Those are some big dreams.

Oh, do you just want something simple? Like how a child wants cake or cookies. Or how a teenager just wants to be popular.

But we don't always get what we want...


Or... that's what they want you to think...

Hi, I'm your narrator, and I'll be telling you the story of how a young boy didn't get what he wanted...

[2 Weeks Before Training Camp]

The UA student was walking home when they felt something covering their mouth. They tried to hold their breath but couldn't find the energy to resist their attacker.

They felt a little pain in their arm and felt themselves fall into a deep slumber. They woke up but couldn't see a thing. "Aw I just wanna slice that clear skin!" They heard a feminine voice squeal.

"Calm down, we just want information." It was definitely a man speaking, maybe in his teens. The student couldn't tell based on their voice alone.

They felt movement before their sight was returned to them, they saw a blindfold in a masked figure's hand, it was probably the item obscuring their vision. "Wh-who are you?" They asked, cursing themselves for stuttering.

"We are the league of villains, and you're going to help us, or we might have to hurt a few friends of yours." The masked figure said as he pulled out a picture of the student's classmates.

"N-no! Don't! I'll tell you anything, just promise you won't hurt anyone in that photo!" They pleaded, though they were talking to a villain, their plead could fall on deaf ears.

The figure seemed to think it over before answering. "Fine, we won't hurt them unless they attack, they'll probably just be put to sleep with sleeping gas so you won't have to worry about them. But I can promise that none of them will die."

The masked figure's words seemed genuine, and it wasn't like the student could do much when they were tied up. "Okay then, what do you want to know?"


To Be A Hero...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora