Chapter 4: Friendships

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Name: Ochaco Uraraka (Uravity)

Quirk: Zero Gravity, her quirk gives her the power to manipulate gravity by touching solid things with the pads on her fingertips. The targets lose their gravitational pull, effectively making them weightless. She is able to activate or cancel her quirk's effects by closing her fingers together.


Izuku chatted with the girl. It turned out that she stayed after school to train with some friends after the festival had ended. Izuku just made up a story of wanting to be a hero but that he failed the UA entrance exam. He told her that he had been training at night since his parents were overprotective and he had to sneak out. He praised himself on his ability to lie.

He recognized her once she turned to face him since he had watched her fight against Kacchan. He didn't expect his ex-friend to go easy on her but he really beat her up. Eventually though, she said she really had to get home, but asked him for his number before she left. He gladly gave it to her and left as well. He smiled and hummed as he walked, getting weird looks from the very few passersby.

When he got home, Stain was already asleep. Stain got the one room that still had a working lock while Izuku slept in a room that lacked a door. He didn't complain though, Stain obviously didn't want to take any chances, even if he was the one to recruit Izuku. He sighed and took out his colored contacts before getting ready for bed. He yawned and layed down on his uncomfortable mattress.

The next day he was free to do what he wanted, Stain was going out to get some food for the two of them since they were changing shelters the next day. he just told Izuku to not get caught before he left. Izuku smiled as he got dressed for the day. That morning Uraraka texted him, asking if he wanted to meet up at the park with her and a friend of hers. He had mastered his smiles so it looked normal and only a really good pro could see the malice behind it.

To a normal person, he just looked excited. To Stain and himself, the dark tones could be seen in his eyes. He planned on earning the trust of Uraraka and any of her classmates that he would meet. The information they had could be crucial to his cause, since multiple pro heroes taught at the elite school. Of course he also wanted to ask her about All Might, since the number one hero just started teaching at UA that year.

He made it to the park early and leaned against a tree while he waited for Uraraka and her friend. He hummed and listened to music while he waited. Eventually the pair arrived and Izuku's eyes widened. "Hey, you're Iida right? I recognize you from the sports festival. Your quirk reminds me of Ingenium's!"

Uraraka just looked worriedly at Iida. "Yes, Ingenium is actually my older brother." She sighed in relief when he responded normally.

"Wow really?! I always wanted his autograph...I just never had the courage to ask him."

Ingenium's near lifeless body flashed through Izuku's mind but for some reason, that caused his smile to brighten. Tenya Iida would make a lovely opponent.


Bakugou frowned as he walked through town with stupid hair and the new dunce face. He came to the conclusion that Kaminari was way more idiotic than Kirishima. Of course, he didn't remember their actual names so he referred to them by their nicknames. "I can't believe nobody has seen anything about him, it's like he just vanished from existence!" Stupid hair complained.

"Shut up, I might have a lead." Bakugou grumbled, he knew he'd have to ask his mom and stupid Deku's mom for any information. He didn't want to go to Deku's house but he didn't know where else to go.

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