Chapter 9: Breakthrough

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Name: Himiko Toga

Quirk: Transform, her quirk grants her the ability to take on the complete physical appearance of another individual by ingesting their blood, including their voice. She also can copy and change into their clothes. She can shift between multiple disguises if she has consumed different people's blood.


Izuku was excited the next day. They were going to plan out their attack on the unknowing student soon, and he was the one they chose to do the actual kidnapping! He would be able to prove himself to the League and he could meet another hero in training!

Sure he may not aspire to be a pro hero anymore but he still admired the people who were able to make it into UA. He couldn't wait to talk to them and figure out more about their quirk. He flipped through his notebook, he didn't have as many notes on the chosen candidate as he did on the others.

He wondered why Kurogiri chose that student, they didn't really stick out too much in the sports festival but maybe that would be good for them, if the person didn't stand out compared to their classmates then they would be less of a suspect if the school found out about a traitor.

He walked out of his room with his notebook safe in his backpack. "I'm off to school! I'll tell you if I see anyone from UA, as per usual." He waved at Kurogiri and Shiguraki. The shadowy man waved back while Tomura ignored him, Izuku could tell that he still held bad feelings towards Stain and was taking it out on him.

He smirked as he heard Shiguraki yell "YOU DUMB RABBIT!" as he closed the door. He chuckled and ran off before he was pursued by an angry Shiguraki, he may or may not have left a whoopie cushion where he knew Shiguraki would sit. He knew the mask obscured his colleague's vision so he was the perfect target.

Hm, maybe that was the real reason Shiguraki didn't like him. He was the usual target for Izuku's pranks. He laughed before stopping in his tracks, Kacchan was in front of him, most likely walking to school. He put his head down and ran across the street before he was noticed, he couldn't risk being recognized.

He quickly made his way to his school and sighed when he realized he was the first one to make it to class. Did he really run that fast? He shrugged and walked to his desk, he sat down and watched as his classmates began entering the room and taking their seats.

He watched as his classmates talked to each other in their own groups, he couldn't help but feel upset. He wasn't allowed to be friends with anyone...sure he had Uraraka and Iida but he wasn't allowed to get attached to them. They didn't even know his real name or anything about him really. He shook his head, ridding himself of those thoughts.

He chose this for himself, he had to make sacrifices to make the world a better place. Heroes should always think of the safety of the citizens, they shouldn't think about their salary or modeling or their appearances on TV. That was what he had to fix, and this was what he had to do to fix it.


Bakugou sighed as he sat through another boring class. Aizawa was droning on and on about their upcoming training camp but it was all stuff he had already gone over. The man sounded like a broken record, going over the same thing every morning.

He just hoped that the day would go by fast so he could continue with his seemingly fruitless search. He had to find some sort of clue as to where Deku could be, people don't just disappear. Maybe they could check his house again? But Inko said that the only DNA there was Deku's. If the person had cleaned the hair with a lint roller then wouldn't that have rid the room of Deku's hair too?

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