Chapter 11: Traitor

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Name: Dabi (AKA Blueflame according to Geten)

Quirk: Cremation, his quirk grants him the ability to generate blue flames from his body instantaneously, expelling them at will from any part body with minimum effort. His flames are extremely hot, and due to their blue coloration. He can also combust anything he touches, including materials such as wood, rock, and cement.


"Okay, what do you want to know?"


The rabbit boy grinned from behind his mask, not that the captured person could tell. "We just need your information regarding your newest field trip. A nice training camp out in the middle of nowhere. Sounds fun."

The creepy girl giggled from behind him. "Please try and escape, I wanna see your body covered in cuts and bruises!"

The kidnapped person looked at the girl in disgust. Who could find joy from hurting people. These people disgusted them. "Just so you know, I hate you all. Why are you even doing this? What do you plan to do?"

A man wearing a hand mask had to be held back from smacking them. The rabbit masked boy walked over to their victim. "Sorry about all this, I just want to prove that not all heroes are good people. I mean remember when a little kid had to save that Bakugou boy from a villain? Because all the heroes were too cowardly to save him? Those heroes deserve to be punished."

"Didn't All Might come to the rescue?" The person asked. Maybe if they stalled then they would be able to escape, or at least give a chance for heroes to arrive and save them.

The rabbit boy pat them on the head, they shuddered. "Very good! You pass! All Might is the one hero worthy of being called a hero. All the others are just in it for fame and riches. Tell me, why are you striving to be a hero little miss UA student?"

The girl sighed. "I admire my friend's courage. He makes me want to be a better person...and...I want to help people. I want to inspire people the way my friend inspired me."

The rabbit masked boy put a hand over his heart. "How sweet and touching! If only we weren't on opposing sides. I'll spare you when you join the hero force, that is of course, only if you remain the same as you are now." The rabbit boy looked at a raven haired boy and the creepy blood chick. "All Might has a good influence on these students! I cant wait to meet the others!"

"You're loud and are you the one Stain mentored?" The raven haired boy said.

The girl giggled. "Don't be like that! My little rabbit is just excited to meet All Might's students! Though I want to meet the All Might or Stain themselves, not some wannabe heroes. Are you sure I can't slice her up a bit?"

"You're even more annoying than he is..."

"You love us!"

"Shut up you three idiots! We have a kidnapped person here!" The hand mask guy shouted, pointing at the UA student.

" are you telling me why you want to know about the training camp?" The girl wanted to escape, she had to. She could only keep up her confident act for so long. Despite them seeming childish and unprofessional, these villains really terrified her. 'Please...someone save me...'

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