Chapter 5: League Of Villains

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Name: Tomura Shigaraki

Quirk: His quirk allows him to disintegrate whatever he touches with his hands, whether the target is organic or not. The disintegration will spread through their whole body if the victim doesn't amputate the decaying body part. It will only work when all five of his fingers touch the target.


Izuku had fun with Uraraka and Iida. They seemed to be really close friends, that made Izuku smile. If one were to get hurt, the other would surely follow. He hummed to himself as he walked home. He had gotten so used to calling that old building home that it seemed weird to know he'd be living someplace else in less than a day. On his way home, he passed by a very familiar house.

He turned to look at the house, only to be met by his mother's eyes. Wait, she looked sickly. Her once long flowy hair was now a mess, she had bags under her eyes, and seemed to age with each second that passed. He forgot about how much his mother would be affected by him going missing. He was so focused on himself that he forgot about his mother.

Inko smiled at the person she was talking to. Kacchan? What was he doing there? Who were the two others with him? Did he already get new henchmen for his bullying? They were all wearing UA uniforms. At least Kacchan was achieving his dreams. Now Izuku had more playthings. As he walked past the group, he tried to hear bits of their conversation.

"-about De- Um...Izuku." He knew Kacchan was about to call him Deku but stopped himself. Why would he show Izuku any respect though? He expected Kacchan to be happy that he was gone. Why did he sound sad when he said his name? He wanted Izuku dead, why was he acting like he cared? He had no right to be sad. Izuku clenched his fists as he tried to hear his mother's response before the walked out of earshot.

"Oh, come on in then..." She sounded so empty, so sad. It hurt Izuku to walk away from his mom, but he had to keep his identity hidden. He rubbed his eyes to avoid crying. His mom sounded so broken. It was all his fault, he did that to his mother. He hurt her, he broke Inko Midoriya. All for his own selfish dreams.

The walk home seemed to drag on forever as he became lost in his own thoughts. He wanted to hug his mom, he wanted to tell her that he was okay. He wanted her to smile and be happy. He didn't ever want to see her cry, he didn't want to hear her broken voice.

He held his head in pain as he ran into the wall of the building. "Owww...." He mumbled, rubbing his head and walking in. He was so lost in thought that he just ran into the side of the building instead of opening the door and walking in. He deserved it though.

He was a monster.


Inko looked so...Bakugou didn't know how to describe it. He had no idea that Inko was reduced to such a state. He awkwardly sat on the couch in between Kirishima and Kaminari. Inko served the three teens some tea before sitting in a chair across from them. "What do you want to know about...Izuku." She hesitated before saying her son's name. As if it hurt her just to say the name itself.

"We wanted to know if the police found any leads ma'am." Kaminari said. He was obviously shaken by how hurt Inko looked. She was a shell of who she used to be.

Inko shook her head. "No fingerprints, no footprints, no DNA of any kind...only his, but that's a given since it was his room." She pointed at the door covered in caution tape. She was allowed to stay in her house but couldn't go into the room or mess with the screen taken off of the window used for the escape.

"That seems impossible. How could someone escape like that? I doubt he would have gone willingly." Kirishima seemed to be thinking hard about what could have happened. Bakugou didn't think that Kirishima used his brain all that often so he assumed it hurt Kirishima to be thinking so much in one day.

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