Chapter 3: Sports Festival

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Name: Tensei Iida (Turbo Hero Ingenium)

Quirk: Engine. His quirk manifests in the form of engines in his elbows, allowing him to create blasts and shoot himself forward at turbo speed. Unlike his brother Tenya, his Quirk does not seem to have gears and can hit max speeds in an instant.


Izuku was excited, Stain had given him permission to go to the sports festival as long as he kept his phone on him. Stain was planning on going after another popular hero on the same day so Izuku had to be prepared just in case his mentor needed help with the job. He hummed to himself as he got ready that morning.

He packed a backpack with his costume, security would very likely be high so he made sure nothing in his bag could be seen as suspicious. He remembered watching the news and seeing a report on an attack at the USJ where multiple students were injured. Maybe Izuku could meet a hero who was working security!

He put his red contacts in and took one last look at himself before he headed out. He couldn't recognize the person looking back at him. The person he used to bewailing gone, he couldn't even remember what he looked like, all he could remember was how broken he felt whenever he saw himself.

Now he looked in the mirror and saw someone who can do what he wants, someone unbound by rules, someone he could be proud of. He did horrible things, but he was sure that he was in the right. The world needed change, and he was going to be the one to bring it.

As he walked down the streets more and more, news about the missing boy became less frequent. It was as if the world didn't care anymore. People went missing all the time right? This boy was just another victim. Izuku was glad he stopped seeing his old broken self on TV, he didn't want the world to remember him that way.

He was going to leave his mark, he had to. He continued to smile as he handed his bag and fake ID to the security guard who was letting guests into the vicinity. He looked around in awe, he always watched the festival on TV with his mom but he had never been in person. He ran around excitedly, like a child in a candy store. He took many pictures of the decorations and the heroes he managed to spot in the crowd

After he calmed down, he went to find a seat in the stadium. He was seated as close as civilians were allowed to sit, the front seats were taken by pro heroes and UA students. He took many pictures before the events started so he wouldn't disturb the people around him by taking pictures during the events. He could always watch a rerun of the festival later anyway.

He looked down at the participants and smiled a smile that could only be seen as malicious.

This was going to be fun.


Stain knew he could handle this lame pro on his own but he wanted to test Izuku's skills against a stronger opponent. He sent a message to his student, all it said was: "The sports festival has begun" which is the message they agreed on Stain sending if he ended up needing help from Izuku.

Izuku had purchased the phones under an alias, the one he used for school so that the gaps would be filled if they were ever under suspicion. Now, did Stain care about his pupil? Not very much. He respected the kid for sure though, and would not want to see him get hurt, but he didn't see Izuku as a son or anything other than a partner.

He did feel a little bad for the kid when they first met. He was timid and shy and didn't know for sure that he was doing the right thing. He did loosen up though, which was good for Stain. If Izuku had any doubts or tried to turn on him then he would have had to take drastic measures. He hoped Izuku got to take lots of notes before his little trip was interrupted. Any new info on aspiring or pro heroes would be essential to them.

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