Chapter 10: Studying

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Name: Kirishima Eijirou

Quirk: He has the power to harden and sharpen any part of his body. He also becomes stronger to an extent. The drawback of his quirk is that there is a limit to how much damage the hardened skin can withstand and he can lose stamina from struggling to keep his quirk active.


Izuku hummed as he looked at the addresses of each of the houses he walked past. He had asked Iida to send him the address to his house because he was smart and didn't want to embarrass himself by knocking on random doors. His smile grew wide as he read the address of Iida's home. He walked up to the door and knocked.

"Haru!" Uraraka was the one to answer the door, she was probably excited to see her friend. They weren't able to tall much since she and her classmates were always busy with schoolwork.

"Hi Uraraka. Sorry I'm late, I got lost." He pretended to chuckle nervously, causing Uraraka to giggle.

"It's okay, come on! I want to show you something!" She grabbed his hand and drafted him to what he assumed was Iida's room where the rest of the group would be. She opened the bedroom door to reveal Tsuyu, Iida, and Todoroki. Along with them there was also Kirishima and- Kacchan!?

"Kirishima said he saw you with us and wanted to get to know you!" Uraraka said excitedly. "He also said you ran into him and Bakugou once."

He forced a smile onto his face. "I can't believe I got to meet you guys again!"

"Same here bro! You made my day when you asked for my autograph. I was so excited to see someone thought I was cool!" Kirishima was smiling like usual.

Izuku say down next to Todoroki as he pretended to fanboy over the aspiring heroes. "I think anyone who wants to save people is cool!"

Kirishima nodded. "I know what you mean. I just hope I can end up inspiring others to be a hero too."

"Like All Might?" Izuku would never pass up a chance to talk about the only hero he admired.

"Sure him too but my big inspiration was Crimson Riot! Seeing him saving people made me want to do that too!" Izuku was shocked to see how similar he and Kirishima were. Maybe All Might being his teacher was a good thing. He could really inspire his students to be good heroes like he was.

Izuku smiled a genuine smile, happy he didn't seem to have to potentially fight the redhead. "I was the same way with All Might. I would always force my mom to-" He paused when he mentioned his mom. How was she doing? Was she okay? How broken was she? Maybe he should go back and see her, maybe she'd accept him! Maybe she'd forgive him for the horrible things he had done.

No! He couldn't put her at risk. She was better off not knowing. Sure Stain guaranteed his mom's safety but the League never made such a promise. They would probably turn on him in a heartbeat if he so much as tried to talk to his mom.

"-ru? Haruuuuu!" Uraraka poked his cheek. "Are you okay?"

Izuku forced a smile. "Yeah, I mom passed away so I got a bit sad when I thought about her."

Uraraka hugged him, Tsuyu joined the hug as well. "It's okay Haru! She wouldn't want you to be sad right? Smile for her! She'd want to see you smile." Uraraka smiled, hoping to get him to do the same.

"Yeah! You're right. Thanks Uraraka."


Bakugou glared as the boy he now knew was named Haruki began to act all buddy buddy with Kirishima. They had only met once and they were acting as if they had been friends for a long time. He still didn't trust the boy even after seeing him for a second time, if anything he became more suspicious.

Why did he seem malicious?

Why were his smiles creepy?

How did he even meet Uraraka?

How did he know so much about their quirks just from watching the sports festival?

The only person he could think of with that type of observant ability was Deku, but surely he wouldn't risk being seen and recognized, right? Deku was smarter than he looked, he wouldn't go out of his way to talk to Bakugou after what happened between them.

Besides, why would Deku change his appearance and name? Why would he even run away anyways? Dumb Deku wouldn't do something like that to his mother. He cared about Inko's feelings, he wouldn't just leave her in the dark. But there was no other explanation for all the evidence. Deku wasn't kidnapped. There was no motive, no DNA, nothing.

But if Deku ran away, why would he make his mom think he was kidnapped? Bakugou's mind ran through many theories about what Deku could have been thinking to cause him to fake his kidnapping. He got so lost in thought that he seemed to forget about his suspicions about this Haruki fellow.

Kirishima waved his hand in front of Bakugou's face. "Bakubro- is anyone home? I need help."

Bakugou forced himself back into reality. "What do you need help with?"

Kirishima sighed and showed Bakgou his homework, which he hadn't even started doing. "All of it."

"You're almost as dumb as dunce face."
"Bakugou that's mean!" Kirishima frowned. Bakugou couldn't help but compare him to a sad puppy. He didn't voice his thoughts since he knew Kirishima would deny it, he wanted to be manly, not puppy-like.

"It's the truth though." Bakugou began showing Kirishima how the work was supposed to be done. He helped his friend with equations and his English (which definitely needed a lot of work). "This isn't even that hard."

Kirishima groaned. "Uuughhh, I'm too dumb for this!"

Bakugou rolled up his own homework and hit Kirishima's head with it. "Are you telling me that you can't even do this much!? Aren't you supposed to be manly?"

Kirishima frowned once more. "I'm the manliest! Of course I can do this!" He squinted as he tried to focus on the work he was doing. Bakugou could almost see the steam coming out of his head. He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Kirishima's brain short circuiting like Kaminari's did at times.

"Don't laugh!"

"Stop flirting and work! Aizawa will have our heads if we don't finish!"


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