Chapter 7: Villains vs Students

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Name: Shouto Todoroki

Quirk: His Quirk gives him dual pyrokinesis and cryokinesis, divided between his left and right sides. The appendages on his right side can drastically lower temperatures of anything they touch, enough to create large waves of ice. The limbs on his left side generate heat and allow him to create and shoot streams of fire.


Uraraka had a bad feeling about Iida. She felt that he was going to end up doing something reckless. She knew he wasn't okay so she called the one person she thought would be able to keep him safe. "Todoroki? I have a feeling Iida is doing something that could get him hurt."


"W-well I was wondering if I could trust you to come help if I find out that he's actually in trouble." She pulled at her hair, she hoped he'd agree. She didn't think she'd be useful if Iida was doing what she thought he was.

She could hear Todoroki sigh. "I would if I could but I doubt I'd be able to get away from- nevermind. I'll do what I can if it comes down to that."

"Thank you so much! Anyways I'm about to go on patrol, see you at school!"

"Goodbye Uraraka."

She hung up and sighed in relief. Just knowing Todoroki was willing to help her was enough to set her mind at ease. She was able to get through her internship that day pretty smoothly, unaware of the danger Iida would be in the next day.

The next day was fairly normal for Uraraka, she was still at her internship and training which was pretty exhausting if she was being honest. She took note of all the tips and tricks given out so she would be able to incorporate them into her fighting style. She wanted to be as safe as possible with a quirk like hers.

She needed to get close to use it but if she gets to close then who knows what would happen if a villain had a knife or something? She needed to know how to actually fight without relying on her quirk too much. She was determined to get better after her giant failure at the sports festival.

She wasn't going to fail her parents. She had to become a pro. She wanted to be able to take care of and spoil her family, she couldn't mess this up. She was going to become a pro hero, for sure.

With her newfound determination, she decided to call Iida. No answer. She called again. No answer. She continued to call her friend and still got no answer. Iida always answered his phone. She felt that her fears were just realized. She went to call one last time before getting a notification.

Tenya Iida shared his location.

"Iida what did you do?" She called Todoroki. "Please pick up..."


"TODOROKI! Iida's in trouble. I know where he is, I'll send you his location. Please go help him! I'm not close to Hosu!"

Todoroki didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Todoroki?"

"Sorry. I understand. I'm on patrol, goodbye."

"Wait Todo-"


She looked down at her phone. He hung up on her? He told her he'd help Iida! Wait...he said something about getting away. Whoever he had to get away from must have been there with him. She smiled, he was going to help Iida. "Hang in there Iida, Todoroki will save you. I just know it."

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