Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Day Twelve in the Arena (continued)

The sun is almost setting now, the pounding in my head has dulled and the world has stopped spinning. Well, not literally.

Why hasn't April killed me yet? She certainly has had enough opportunities. But instead she tied me to a tree and walked away.

I just want an audience.

The rush of terror that washed over me when I thought April was going to kill me is nothing compared to the pure horror I feel when I realise what April is going to do.  She couldn't just kill me in a quick and painless way. She has to make a spectacle of it.

April plans to make my execution the event of the Games and invite everyone to watch. With Luca as the guest of honor, no doubt. All because I ruined her tough exterior when she failed to kill me at the Cornucopia bloodbath.

Although the odds are in her favour, April hasn't won yet.  Behind her façade of evil sadism lies real fear. She's not invincible. April realizes that now.

April has tied my wrists to the branch pretty tight. I can't wriggle free or break the branch off – I'm stuck. Sitting here waiting to be killed is not something I am willing to do.

After more unsuccessful attempts at wriggling free and knowing at the rope, trying to break free, I'm about to give up when a parachute descends from the sky. The parachute floats towards me and snags on the jagged branch just above me and hangs over my head as if to spite me. There is no way I'll be able to pry the parachute from the branch without my hands. Wriggling my hands free obviously isn't working, so I try breaking the branch off – no luck.

When I finally manage to wriggle one hand free, I reach up and tug the parachute free. It tumbles to the ground and its contents scatters with a clatter. I find a small knife wrapped in the parachute and I mouth a small thank you at a nearby camera. That one small gesture could save my life. For now.

Using my sponsor's gift, I saw at the rope on my wrist until it's frayed enough to rip off. And just like that, I'm free, with a knife, which will come in handy when I kill April.

My first move is to find my way back to my camp and restock my supplies. On my way back to my camp, I hear a small voice I don't recognize call my name. At first I thought I was imagining things, but then I spot him.

A young boy, fourteen or so with brown wispy hair and a small round face. He seems innocent enough but I've been wrong before.

"Hey" he says, holding his hands out, as if he believes I might kill him on sight. "Hey, I'm Cooper. I'm on Luca's team. You don't have to take my word for it. I'll take you to our settlement. No that makes it sounds like a trap – it's not"

"I believe you" I interrupt Cooper's babbling.   

"You do?" he asks incredulously. "I had a whole speech prepared"

I can see why Luca would want this kid as an ally. There's an innocence about Cooper that makes it impossible to want to hurt him.

"That won't be necessary" I smile. "I've been looking for your camp for a while now"

"We've been looking for you too. Every day. We thought you were dead."

"Really" I say miserably.

I should never have run away on the first day. I should've stayed with Luca and none of this would've ever happened. A sudden panic rises within me as I remember where April is headed.

"Does April know where your settlement is?" I ask.

"April?" Cooper squints his eyes inquisitively. "Oh, yes April. No I don't think she does. If she did, she would probably try to steal our supplies since she's running low on her stash"

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