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As Wanda beat yet another record simultaneously, Elodie died again. She smashed her palms against the machine in frustration and Wanda sent her a look that screamed "What the hell?"

"Hey El, maybe it's time for you to get some air." Sam said through comms.

She nodded to herself and looked over at her friend. "I'm gonna get some air." In response, Wanda sent her a little wave and continued with her game. Elodie rolled her eyes and stepped away from the game.

She sauntered out, weaving her way between nerd after nerd. She needed to stop calling them that, they didn't all look like stereotypical nerds. In the far left corner, a group of really pretty and heavily made up girls congregated playing Space Invaders. Beside them, three teenage boys in suits taking on Donkey Kong. Beside them, a middle age man and his pensioner mom say playing Galaga.

Once outside she wondered through the field, trying to get to the hide out the Avengers were using. Looking across the cold British field, she spotted an old, run down VW bus discarded behind some trees.

She pressed the little button on the ear-piece and asked "Hey guys, are you all hiding in a bus."

Sam snickered and said "Yeah,
Come on over."

Elodie started stomping through the long grass, heading in the direction of the light purple bus.

It took her about eight minutes, trudging through grass and avoiding nettles and the fresh daffodils that were blooming. Considering she was 1/4 welsh, she was evidentially allergic to daffodils. How funny.

The bus was painted a lilac purple kind of colour and the windows were covered from the inside with a darker purple set of curtains.

Elodie knocked on the door and yelled "Hey guys it's me." A few minutes went by and there was no answer. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as she got a funny vibe. She span around to see two guys in black clothing, holding a large black sack.

She stepped backwards only to fall into the bus. Someone must have been inside as the door slid open with force and she walked yanked by the shoulders. She kicked, screamed and head butted, shouting for help and throwing her body around so whoever it was would loose grip.

The two men stuffed her legs into the door until the person from inside could drag her body back. Just as Elodie got an arm free and was about to press the button on her comm, there was a sharp pain in her neck and she knew she had been infected with something. Then, all of her muscles relaxed and she fell unconscious.


It was lunch time and Steve and Natasha were watching Elodie and Wanda through the security cameras they had hacked. Meaning that they could see whatever the security team were looking at.

Natasha sat beside Steve in an old school bus that had been abandoned in a near by scrap yard. When stark paid the guys £200 for it and had them deliver it outside the warehouse, Natasha worries that it wouldn't blend in. However, the school buses here were not bright yellow like in America they're all different colours and sizes. The bus Tony has bought for this afternoons hideout was a dark purple, long wheel base bus that had a mere 15 seats.

Sam, Bucky, Natasha and Steve And Tony were swapping shifts on security cameras and research while Clint and Maria had gone into town as tourists to investigate smaller claims and sittings of gangs and violence with the locals.

Steve sighed and placed his hands behind his head, feeling tired and bored. They had been watching Wanda win, or cheat, for about two hours now and we're becoming increasingly bored.

Accidental Avenger [Steve Rogers]Where stories live. Discover now