A Bit of Sugar (Joshua)

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Characters: Joshua X Reader

Genre/ Warnings: Fluff

Words: 984

"It says all-purpose flour.... This one just says flour," Josh pouted and held the phone against his shoulder while he looked at the bag again. "Is that the same thing? Will it be fine?"

"Josh, it's fine!" Mingyu said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.The poor boy had been up for ages trying to help Josh make cookies for you. Josh was trying hard to make something special for you and decided that he would bake sugar cookies.The problem was: he had no idea how and Google wasn't helping him. "Flour is just flour.... It'll be fine as long as everything else is okay."

"You think so," Josh sighed and poured in the amount of flour Mingyu had instructed to. The whole recipe was written down on the counter but Josh was sure he needed more help than some words on paper. He wasn't a skilled baker and while he was confident, he needed to make sure it was all perfect for you.

"I know so Josh. That is why you called me after all." Mingyu said with a laugh and Josh let out another sigh.

"I know, i'm sorry Mingyu," Josh said as he mixed the eggs into the batch. "I just really want this too be good, you know? I've never done anything like this for Y/N before."

Mingyu could feel Josh's sentiment for you in those words and smiled, "And Y/N is going to love it. I just know it! Even if you mess up somehow she's still going to be happy."

"I hope it doesn't come to that. I really want to make her some good cookies," Josh tried to find the sugar to add into the mix.

"Well even if it does come to that at least you know you'll make her happy either way." Mingyu said and Josh smiled a little. Either way you would be happy at him for the thought. He wanted the cookies to be the best things you had ever tasted but at the moment, he wasn't too confident in his baking abilities. Even if he had Mingyu walking him through everything step by step it wasn't enough for him.

"Yeah thank you, Mingyu. I really appreciate all this!"

"No problem Josh!" Mingyu said with a laugh, but through the phone Josh could hear a yell. A loud sigh was heard and Mingyu's voice popped back up, "I need to go for a couple minutes, Daeun found the vase I broke."

Josh went into an internal panic, "Y-Yeah of course. Don't get yourself killed Mingyu."

"No promises with Daeun," Mingyu chuckled and the call clicked ff. Josh actually let out a panicked yell as soon as the call was over. How as he supposed to finish the cookies without Mingyu!? He had the recipe but he didn't know what was what or how much of something was. He still had to do the sugar and put everything in the oven and make sure the cookies were in good shapes before putting them in the oven

"I'm screwed," He mumbled softly as he whisked everything together in the large pot. Eggs, sugar, flour, vanilla extract.... He ran through the list of everything as he stirred. Hopefully he had put the right amounts. He had guessed on the sugar but it tasted fine to him. He couldn't remember if you had a sweet tooth though. He bit the inside of his cheek while he thought and almost didn't hear the front door open.

"Josh, I'm home!" You called from the door and he about dropped the bowl he was stirring. He could see you coming into the kitchen from the corner of his eye. You must have just gotten off of work at the cafe. You had the faint smell of coffee beans and a little smear of frosting down the side of your cheek.

Your head peaked around the corner of the wall with a curious glint in your eyes, "Josh, what are you doing?"

A bashful smile made its way onto his face as he set down the bowl, "Cookies?"

You let out a surprised giggle and made your way over to him. Josh was covered in flour and had cookie batter on his face and arms. You thought it was sweet he was trying so hard for a batch of cookies. "Why are you making cookies?"

"So we could eat them tonight?" His smile fell into nervousness as you stared at him. True, he had never done anything like this before. It was only normal you would be weary of him. You probably thought he broke your laptop or lost a pair of your shoes. That was the only time he ever did something like this.

You let out a little laughter and reached up to cup his cheek, "You're very sweet Josh."

He laughed and didn't even try to hide his blush, "I try."

You laughed loudly before reaching to place a soft kiss on Josh's lips. He smiled as you kissed him and thought he should make cookies more if this was the type of reward he would get. You pulled away from him after a couple seconds with a amused smile on your lips. As quick as you could, you swiped your thumb against the sugar line that was plaster against Josh's cheek.

"You know," You said and licked the sugar that now coated your thumb. "You should bake more often. You taste sweeter too."

He let out another shy laugh and moved to wrap his hands around your waist, "I think these cookies are still missing something though."

"I think it's a bit of sugar," You said, your lips brushing against his as you smiled.

"Yeah, a bit of sugar is just right," Josh nodded his head in agreement, before leaning in to close the gap. The cookies could wait for another minute.

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