Forget-Me-Not (Jun)

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Characters: Junhui x reader

Genre: Flower shop AU, Non idol AU, fluff

Word Count: 2,039

Summary: The afternoon at your quaint little flower shop was peaceful. It was only you and the bouquet of roses that were ordered for that day. When a handsome stranger comes in and ruins that peace, you want nothing more than to stab him with your scissors.

The shop was quiet as you finished the newest order placed that afternoon. A bouquet of roses that needed to convey a meaning of sorry. It wasn't the first time you had to make "I'm sorry" bouquets. They were always the same and when they were ordered not much was ever specified besides roses. Whoever had ordered them would have to just live with it if they disagreed with your taste.

Violetta's Flowers was a family owned shop that had been passed down for decades. For as long as you could remember, you had been surrounded by flowers. You learned at a young age what complemented what and how to piece them together. It was only a couple months ago that your parents had deemed you old enough to take over the family business. They wanted to retire with the money they had earned from their years at the shop and to provide you with an opportunity as you came into your adult years. Currently, you were the fourth in your family to take over the quaint little flower shop.

You were tying the ribbon around the vase when the door chimed sweetly. You're hands and mind we're too busied with ribbon work that you didn't bother to look up. This arrangement had taken up half the afternoon and you just wanted it finished. It was only when a hand slammed down onto the counter-top that you began to pay attention to your surroundings. You jumped at the sudden noise and the arrangement came down with it. The flowers spilled out as the glass vase hit the wooden counter-top with an awful noise. The glass shattered in multiple places and your afternoon of hard work had gone out the window.

An unpleasant sneer made its way onto your face, "You could say excuse me!"

You regretted the outburst as soon as you made eye contact with the stranger in front of you. He was unlike anyone who came into the shop. He was handsome, you had to give him that, but he was dark in both appearance and aura. His wind swept hair matched with the all black outfit, save for the red leather jacket. He seemed rather amused by the whole situation, but the sly smile on his lips did not reach the rumbling annoyance his eyes held.

"You should pay more attention," his voice was like velvet and it seemed to only piss you off more.

You knew he was a client though and did your best to let the frustration go, "I'm sorry. I've just been doing that arrangement the whole day."

He scoffed and looked at the now sad excuse for an arrangement, "It doesn't look like much."

The remark made you see red and it took all your effort not to stab the handsome stranger before you with scissors.

"Did you only come in here to be an asshole? Or is there a point to all this." You said, the built up rage starting to show in your eyes. The stranger before you gave a chuckle and slight smile, one that showed off his long canines.

"You're very feisty for a flower shop owner."

"You're a very big asshole for a human being."

Your comment sparked an excited glint in the strangers dark eyes. He leaned against the counter so that his head was close enough to yours to be uncomfortable. You could take in every detail about his wondrous physical features, the slope of his nose, the sharpness of his jaw, and the perfection that was his face. If you weren't so built up with rage you might have died at being so close to a beautiful stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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