Fireworks (Vernon)

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Characters: Hansol x Reader

Genre/Warnings: Fluff~

Words: 4,934

Summary: Fourth of July meant being able to see Hansol again, your best friend. Fireworks were exploding and so were your feelings as you got to see him again after five long years.


You didn't think celebrating the Declaration of Independence could be as nerve racking as it was turning out to be. Fourth of July was supposed to be about celebrating your home country and setting off fireworks to light up the night sky; however, you were pacing around your living room. It wasn't that the thought of fireworks exploding freaked you out, rather it was the fact that your childhood best friend was flying out from Korea to spend the American holiday with you.

"Y/n what are you doing?" You mother asked, watching as you almost walked into the wall before turning around to continue to pace.

You didn't look up as you pressed your hands harder into your head, "What if Hansol doesn't like me anymore! What if he's totally change! Oh God what if he's now hot! I just can't deal with all of these what ifs!"

"You talk to him almost everyday, having you in person won't chang-" She paused as you stepped on the couch and continued pacing, right off the arm, "Please don't step on my couch."

You smiled sheepishly and continued your antics right into the kitchen, "I'm sorry mom... God i just don't know! We might talk everyday but we haven't physically seen each other in years!"

"The last time you saw him was when you were 15-"

"I'm twenty now mom!""

'-as I was saying." She huffed as she continued to prepare the table for dinner. "He's obviously liked you enough to keep in contact all these years. There's no way he'd change his mind just cause of a flight across the ocean! Plus his mom and I have had a bet since day one about the two of you."

You perked your head up from behind the kitchen counter top, "Bet?"

Your mom just gave you a sweet smile as she finished her work on the dining table, "Melody just texted me saying they're almost here and..."

"And what?" You asked bouncing up and down on your toes trying your best to control your nervous energy.

She smiled at you, "That Hansol won't shut up about you. Said he's quote, "more excited than she's ever seen him and that's a lot since she bought him the new Drake album.""

You screamed and spun around in a circle, "Oh god no no no no no! I can't take this!"

"You better be able to cause they are down the street."

Your mom did nothing to calm your nerves as she walked into her room. This year it had been decided that everyone would be coming home for the holiday, and that included your unofficial official family. Melody, Hansol's mother, was homesick for some American patriotism and had suggested to your parents that they should come down for the summer. Having her as your mother's best friend made it become an immediate plan. Now your heartstrings were in a tangle as you began to pace in the hallway for the fifth time that day.

When the doorbell went off, you nearly screamed. He was already here and your nerves were still tangled in a bunch. Your mother practically ran out of her room with a wide smile, not bothering to look over at her child having a mental break down. She was too excited to see her best friend again. She swung the door wide open and there stood Melody and Simon, Hansol's father, with wide smiles on their faces.

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