Best Friends (Joshua)

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"Josh, Minghao's gonna kick our asses for this," You whined as you and your best friend stood right outside Minghao's bedroom window.

"He won't find out," Josh huffed and began to quietly open up the window, "Besides he stole my Naruto mangas, this is rather light compared to what I wanted to do to him."

"Lighting his house on fire for stealing your manga isn't exactly... justifiable in court."

Josh rolled his eyes and slipped in through the window, shaking his head at you, "But breaking and entering is justifiable?"

"I'm not saying I condone any of your actions tonight-"

"If I let you put the blue hair dye in his shampoo will that be enough?" He waved a little bottle out towards you. Any feeling you had towards his little mission instantly dissolved at the thought of Minghao with baby blue hair.

"You strike a hard bargain Joshua Hong."

He smiled at you, seeing he now had your full support, "That's all i had to say to get you to be cool with this?"

"And your buying my In N Out and sending me all the memes you have."

"You strike a hard bargain," Joshua shooked head and held out a hand to help you through the window, "Now come help me steal all his Kermit dolls."

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