Roommate Drabble (Woozi)

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Characters: Jihoon x Reader

Genre/Warnings: Crack, Fluff

Words: 968


"Yeah, yeah I know. I hope you don't mind all that much if i'm late either, my boss just told me i have overtime on the 20th," You sighed, stirring the pot that contained your dinner as you talked to your friend.

"You and that boss. Damn, you're always on overtime can't you get a break?" The munching of chips could be heard on the other end, "Seriously you're gonna overwork yourself one of these days."

"I haven't even been doing that much overtime, calm down. Besides were just going to see a movie, i'll only miss the previews."

"You'll only miss the previews," The mocked, voice three times their normal pitch. "Whatever you say Y/n. Oh! Don't forget that boyfriend of yours is totally invited too, he's a huge Marvel nerd right?"

You turned off the burner and shook your head, "First, he's not my boyfriend just my roomate. Second of all, yes i'll let him know. He'd kill me if I didn't tell him we got tickets to the premier."

"Y/n!" Jihoon's voice sounded throughout your shared quiet apartment.

A small smile made its way onto your face at his antics, "Hey I have to go, Jihoon's yelling for me."

"Have fun with your boyfriend!" Your friend cackled and you hovered your finger over the end call button.

"I hope you choke on your chips."

You sighed and pocketed your phone as Jihoon yelled again, "Y/n! Please come here!"

"Coming Ji!" You stumbled out of your small kitchen area to the hallway. Jihoon stood right in front of the door, clad in a rather slouchy hoodie and jeans. He had probably just gotten back from the studio, but the sly look on his face made you raise an eyebrow.

"Ji.... what did you do?"

Jihoon's face dropped into a look of mock hurt at your accusations, "I haven't even said hello yet and you already think I did something!"

The excited twinkle in his eyes told you otherwise.

"Did you steal Wonwoo's cat again. I told you to stop stealing her just because you suck at Overwatch!" The last time he came home like this he had stolen Wonwoo's cat. He had claimed he did it for Wonwoo beating him in Overwatch and that it was the only form of revenge that would work. That left you with being the one to clean up Jihoon's mess and comfort Wonwoo who thought he had lost his precious kitty.

"I do not suck at Overwatch, Jeon Wonwoo is just a glorified cheater!" He huffed, crossing his arms, "And no, I did not steal his feline."

"Then what did you do?" You head tilted to the side wondering what your roommate could have possibly done.

He gave you a sheepish smile, "Just promise me you won't get mad?"

"I-" You frowned and took in a deep breath. With a warning like that, you had no idea what Jihoon was up too, "I won't get mad."

"Promise me?" He said holding out his pinky to interlock with your own.

You rolled your eyes and hooked your smallest fingers together, "I promise. Now what's all this about."

"Well you see," He stepped back as he talked, "I got a really good deal on this, like other worldly type of deal. You know me, I see something with a stealar bargain I just got to get it right?" He placed his hand on the doorknob and your nerves were on edge. Jihoon had to have done something awful because whenever had he talked like this. A bargain? Jihoon didn't even see the light of day enough to know what a good bargain was. "And now... we've got this!"

He pulled open the door and you grimaced at the thought of whatever could be behind it. Jihoon could've bought a bear for all you knew. What was behind the door made you reevaluate your choice in roommates.

"Lee Jihoon what the fuck did you buy."

On the other side of the door was a life size statue of Black Panther.

It was immaculately made with every single little detail etched in. It was even sculpted in the "Wakanda Forever" pose that Jihoon often did. Your mind was in a mess as you tried to figure out where he had got it, and how he could have possibly got it up to your third story apartment.

"Okay, okay, hear me out though." He gestured wildly as he talked, "How fucking cool is that? I have a T'Challa to stare down everyone in this household now, 24/7. Next time Mingyu's tall ass walks in here he's going to be so intimidated by-"

"How much did it cost."

The question made Jihoon avert his eyes from yours, "Maybe... maybe next months rent-but that's besides the point!"

"You spent next months rent on this!" You cried running a hand down your face. Of course you would be able to make that money back up soon enough, but did JIhoon realize how much he had just spent on his impulsive buy? Where were you even supposed to put something that large? In the living room where everyone could sense it's presence?

"Okay, yes I know i'm an idiot but Y/n-" You looked up to meet his eyes, twinkling with excitement. He raised his arms in the "Wakanda Forever" gesture and grinned at you, "Roommates forever?"

You couldn't be mad at him when he had that excited grin. You shook your head in disbelief before smiling at him, making the same gesture with your arms, "Roommates forever."

"Yes!" He jumped up in the air unable to contain his excitement at your acceptance of the giant statue.

"But it stays out here. I am not waking up to T'Challa looming over my bed at midnight."

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