Picture This... (The Designer continued, 3)

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"what?" you say. Suddenly you start to have flashes and started to put pieces together. When you was looking around you saw pictures of his family , but no wife. Only his shoes by the door, and only men's clothes in the closets and one toothbrush." But... the news..." you start. Prince smiles. " I went out with a female cousin to have fun, and the next thing I know she's my wife, I realized then that the media would spin anything, I decided that maybe this was a opportunity to have have a normal life, a chance to maybe really find someone without the media in my business"

You was in totally shock, not knowing what to think. Prince chuckles . Lauren comes in. " It's true ma'am , he has no wife". Prince goes to get a photo book. He opens the book taking a seat next to you. You see pictures of a boy , you look closer and it's a picture of prince as a child. You have to stop yourself from saying " awww" , he's too cute as a little boy. Then you see other pictures of him as a boy and a little girl playing at what looks like a family reunion. You look closer at the little girl, it's the woman you saw on t.v with prince , she's a little girl in the picture , but you still can make out it's her.

Prince then picks up a phone and dails a number. " Hello, hey Tammy, fine and you?, I need you to talk to somebody for me " he says handing you the phone . " Hello?" You say. " Hello, my cousin said I needed to talk to you" she says in a cheery voice. The next few moments you talk to Tammy, she lays the whole situation out for you and your convince that prince doesn't have a wife at all." My cousin must really like you" she says laughing " We was hoping his butt would find someone". You laugh and can tell they had a good nature relationship.

Somehow prince hears that and rolls his eyes" That's enough Tammy, I think you did more then enough , thank you, I'll call you later" he says hanging up the phone." Believe me now?"  he says, his hands starting to rub your thighs. Oh snap prince is touching me. You slowly nod." Good because I plan to get to know you, he pauses... better " . The projects around the house took some time. All the while you did your best to stay focus while a Prince made it clear that he wanted you, but you had a job to do and you was going make sure that it gets done.

Prince respected that, but you feel that once the job was over he is going to pounce. Finally the work got done and it was time to reveal. First, the music room. You brighten up the colors and as he requested you kept the posters but you rearranged them to look better, and also you put in nicer carpet. The smile on his face said everything. " You like?" you ask " Well, I know I'am a vegetarian now, but do a brotha love chicken?". You chuckle until your side hurt.

Next was the office . The office was more oraganize , you put in a file cabinet,  took up the rugs, got rid of the drab colors ,added some of his symbols and set up a better intercom system, and put in plush comfortable chairs." Oh this is nice " he says jumping in the chair like a kid. You giggle , he's too cute when he is in that mode. " Ok, let's check out the last room" he says taking you hand.

The play room is where you out did you self. The colors were bright. You made sure everything was child safe. You also had toys, games, and plushes. You turn to prince " Why a playroom?". Prince smiles" A lot of the people that I work with have children and I think it would be great if they could have their children with them when they are here, plus I have nieces and nephews and young cousins that visit me and..., he pulls you closer , I want children one day" he says giving you hips a  gentle squeeze . " Are you done with everything?". You slowly nod.

Suddenly you are picked off your feet and swung over his shoulder, you gasp" Prinnnce". " Save the voice for later mama , you going need it" he says.

The next moments were  a whirl wind. Moaning, licking, sucking, caressing , biting/ nibbling, playing in the river to there was a overflow from both as the marshmallow turned to cream. leaving both of you two marked. The taste of butterscotch on your tongue and it wasn't  the candy. You had tasted him dry and so had he to you.

Reporter :

" It's been reported that Prince wasn't married and if fact that was his cousin not his wife, but in a twisit the star announced that he is now getting married to another woman, details later to come".

Hope you enjoy this short  picture this story .

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