Picture This... ( The Studio, Part 2)

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You look at the test in disbelief, it's says positive. Along with the five other tests you took.  You couldn't believe it . You was pregnant with his baby. You rub your stomach lovingly. How was you going tell him?, Would he even want this baby?, he had so much going on with his music and touring, how would he handle this?, would he think this was your plan?, no, he was the one to make the move. Well, one thing was for sure, you wouldn't  be able to hide this for long. Suddenly your door bell rang. What if it was Prince?, you wasn't ready to tell him. You look through

the door hole, it's your best friend, you let out a deep sigh of relief . You opened the door. " Girl where have you been ?, I've been trying to contact you" she says stepping in to your home." Ivy, I'am so sorry I just have been dealing with a lot on my plate lately" you say. Ivy looks at you." Girl, I'am your best friend , if you can't tell me what's been bothering you, then who can you tell?" she says faking being hurt. " It's  just a lot on my mind" you say. Ivy then looks you up and down and turns her head to the side for a minute, then says " Girl are you pregnant?"

You try not to give yourself away, but can't lie. She smiles . " You are!,  I can tell" she says. Ivy has two children with her husband and could see you was glowing. " Who's the father?" she asked. you took a deep breathe. " Ivy, it's complicated " you said. " Well at lest tell me the story how you got ..." she motion at your stomach . " Let's just say, I had been working with someone and one thing lead to another" .Suddenly your door bell rings again. You go and open the door. To your surprise this time it is Prince." Why have you been avoiding me?" he says coming in.

" Oh, I'am sorry, hello" he says when he sees Ivy. Ivy's face is in complete shock." Exuse me for a second" you say grabbing Ivy and heading to the kitchen." Girl! Your having Prince's baby!" . You quickly put your hand on her mouth." Would you keep it down?" you say. " What, he doesn't know?,  you have to tell him".  she then puts her hands to her mouth." Our kids can grow up together " she says hugging you. You smile and hug back. " I'll leave you two to talk" she says. You thank her and you hear her exchange pleasant talk with Prince before she leaves.

You hear his heels clicking as he enter the kitchen.

You hear his heels clicking as he enter the kitchen

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You turn around to see him frowning." Why?" he just says . " I've just been busy and..."  he cuts you off ,I'am not talking about that, I'am  talking about the fact your carrying my child and didn't tell me" . " I didn't know how you would react and..." your cut off again, this time by lips, his lips on yours.  His hand then rubs your stomach. " Why you think I came here? , I came to take you back with me, didn't know I would be picking up two" he says jokingly. " Make that three"  you say. His eyes get big.

You bust out laughing, " I'am kidding , it's only one baby" you say. Prince relaxed " Don't do that, it could happen , my mom was a twin" he says. He continues to rub your stomach, " Although I wouldn't mind more later, but for now I  like to just get use to the idea of one baby first"." Now what?"  you ask honestly, " You move in with me, we get married , and have this child and more" he says matter of factly. " You got it all planed out huh?" you say with a smile. He kisses you , "I always got a plan , mama, starting with the first time I saw you"  he says deeping the kiss.

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