Gif Picture This... (Award Show)

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You was so proud and sad at the same moment. Your friend's brother is getting award. Not just some award but a soul train award. See your friend's brother was none other then the legend prince . Sigh you think it would be the best thing ever, but try having feelings for your friend's brother who you was sure only saw you as a little sister. This started as a long crush , but as time went on it only got deeper . Now here you was at the awards, watching him get a heritage award. Worst of all he was looking so adorablely  cute and shy accepting his award. 


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Some woman named Troy gave him the award . You don't know why ,but you didn't like seemed like they might be feeling each other a little too much.

Sigh, how many times  had you been here. Watching him go after woman after woman?. Meanwhile you was stuck in "little sister " zone. More likely to be patted on the head then taken to bed.As her gave his speech you just stood there off stage admiring him in his lime green outfit that look so good on him. Then he flash that smile. That dang gone boyish smile that just made you melt every single time. Damn you, why you have to be so fine you thought. You listened as the audience cheered for him. You was genuinely happy for him.

He worked so hard to get there. But you was also sad because he was only going to become more famous now, and have more women around him. Sigh, this sucked so bad, not only did you have to hide the fact that you had feelings for this man that would only see you as like a sister, but you had to hide it while watching him be with other women . " Can you believe  he actually made it this far?" his sister said. " Yes" you said honestly. You knew he was talented the first time you heard him play. " Soft and Wet" was like nothing you ever heard. Which is not the best song to listen to when you got the hots for the person .

Many of your friends talked about how hot his friend Andre is, Andre wasn't a bad looking man at all, but Prince ,many times you had to stop yourself from staring at him, like you was doing now. He was always cute, but the years only made him more handsome. Now that he had come into his own he had all these women coming to him saying " Hi Prince" , "How you doing Prince?" . It made you sick, you knew from day one he would be somebody. Yet here they came acting like they always knew he was special . Suddenly your  thoughts shifts

when you saw him coming off stage. He hugged his sister then you. " Y/ N!, I didn't expected you to be here" he said. " Well, she made me come here" you say pointing to his sister, teasing him. He chuckles . " If I remembered correctly you asked to come here" his sister said.  You blushed and hope he didn't notice. " I'am proud of you" his sister says hugging him. He hugs back." Yeah, I guess you did good" you say. Prince suddenly laughs and grabs and hug you. " Thanks, that means a lot " he says. Then he turns to his sister," Me and Y/N are going to go talk, I'll meet up with you later". His sister nods and hugs him goodbye before leaving.

You wonder what he has to talk to you about. He gently takes your hand and leads you. " Follow me" he says. He leads you to a dressing room. You enter and he shuts the door. " What you wanna..." before you can finsh your sentence, his lips come crashing down on yours. At first you are shock but then give in to the kiss. His hands stroking your sides. You can't help it you moan. After a few satisfying moments you two pull away. " I....", your speechless ." You didn't think I knew?" he says smirking. " But what if your sister..." you start to say. " She will just have to deal with it" he says pushing you on to the sofa and continuing to kiss you.

A/N: Well since y'all made B a close second , I decided to do one on that too, stay tune!.

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