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//370 reads holy fuck thank you! I'm sorry i haven't been updating I know people enjoy this story and I don't want people to stop reading it Because I work really hard on it! Depression has been getting the best of me my dears and I'm just really not in the mood to write lately but thank you so so much!//

((Y/N POV))
I flinched a bit, if someone looked at me I would have looked super irritated.

"Maxx, can we leave?" I whined.

He looked back down at me, "u-uh.. yeah!" He then noticed the look on my face, "something wrong?" He asked his voice in a worried tone.

"No, I'm fine let's go".

I got up holding my sandwich in my hand pulling him along with me, did he know that girl? Was she just cute or something?

*Time skip to the next day brought to you by my depression corner :/*

I woke up and Maxx wasn't next to me. That was strange to me because he always seemed to be clingy. Very clingy.

I rubbed my eyes and rolled out of bed, I stumbled over to my closet just throwing on some black leggings and a nikey hoodie.

Walking out of the room I bumped into cody, but he didn't seem like his usual self. His eyes had bags under them. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt which seemed to have red stains on the wrist parts and his hair in a mess sitting on his head.

"C-Cody oh my god I'm so sorry-.. are you okay?" I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

He pushed my hand away and shrugged, "I guess" he pushed past me and down the stairs to the Kitchen.

I couldn't help but feel a bit a guilt, and I don't know why. I didn't even seem to ask were Maxx was.

I sighed and followed him down the stairs, I looked around the kitchen and then the living room.

No Maxx.

Did he leave? With that girl??

I pushed the thought away, I was jumping to conclusions. Big conclusions. He would never do that. He's Maxx, he's sweet and honest he would never cheat.

((Ayy this is a bit better then my recent updates! Please enjoy this. And uh where did Good ol' Maxx's go? Dunnooo))

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