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((holy crap I'm updating two times in a rowww oh nooo!!))

((Y/N POV))
I became frustrated. Where would he go without telling me? I knew he couldn't be with her because he's not like that.

Or is he?

I couldn't push that out of my mind the whole day, it wouldn't go away but it couldn't be true.

*Time skip to 'dinnerr'*
Maxx still wasn't here. Not only was I made I was visibly worried and Cody seemed to be too.

Dan tried to get me to talk to him, he told me to pour out everything I was feeling. But it's not that easy.

What if he got hurt?

Maybe he got kidnapped?

What if he is with her?

No no no, he's fine.

"Y/N?? Y/N!!" Dan was shaking me, his eyes wide with fear, why was he so worried about me? We weren't very close and we never talked.

"W-What!?" I said snapping back into reality.

"Talk to me, please. Cody won't at all but you have to please I really want to help you".

"Well maybe I don't want your help" I grumbled getting up, I stomped up to my room like a kid and slammed the door.

When I heard my phone go off i immediately grabbed it and looked at it, it was from Maxx!

Maxx- "Hey, I'm with Kate. Sorry I just left without telling you".

Kate? Who the hell is kate. It may seem I'm the overprotective girlfriend, go ahead label me that way, guess I am!

Y/N- "umm who is Kate?"

Maxx- "The girl we saw yesterday in the restaurant. We're friends"

Y/N- "Friend? Really, friend?? Maxx I have been worried all day and you just tell me this now? Who knows maybe you're cheating on me! With this Kate bitch!"

Maxx- "Calm down, I'm not... she's just a friend I would never do that to you!"

((Maxx's POV))

Kate looked over my shoulder and I turned off the phone and pushed it into my pocket.

"Mh? Was that your girlfriend?" She asked in a innocent tone.

I smiled nervously, "Mhm, I should get home now...She has been waiting all day.."

Kate had jealously on her face, "Oh come on you can stay for a bit longer maxxy, we haven't talked in so long"


"No, I-..I have to go..." I got up and slowly inched my way to the door, Kate snatched me back.

"No! You're staying!" She hissed.

I pushed her off, "It was nice to talk to you, but please I want to leave.." I shifted a bit frightened by her tone.

"No! You're gonna stay here".

I was upset now, "Why?? Why do you want to stay so bad? Is there there something so important that I have to stay?!"

Kate stayed silent, she was about to speak but then I continued.

"I love my girlfriend she's m-.."

Kate interrupted her voice harsh and threatening, "She's Ugly Maxx!! Look at her then at me! I'm worth your time! Not her!"

I took a look of disapproval at her, "I don't love her for what she looked like. I love her because she's never afraid to be herself and she's so sweet and she is very very beautiful!"

I got my coat and walked out slamming the door, Kate didn't even try to stop me. She had her mouth open a bit at a loss for words.

((Ayy this is long!! And I like it! Please vote and recommend? It would be much appreciated once again thank you for over 370 reads I can't believe it! And if you have any questions or recommendations please go follow my Instagram and Dm me! @brendons.tea

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