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//Thank you guys so much for over 900 reads! I don't know why because this book is shit, but I swear, I will write better fics! Some day ❤️😂//

//Cody's POV// ((Ayy we haven't checked on Cody ;/))

I lay on my bed on my phone, looking threw old pictures of me and Maxx. He was so cute, but he loved someone else, I respected that, I really did, but I was jealous.

*A couple months later brought to you by Brendon Urie's ass (ignore me 😂)*

Things had gotten worse for Maxx and Y/N's relationship. They got into fights over the girl that Maxx went to see.

Cody saw his chance, he found Kate's Instagram and messaged her: 'Hey, Maxx and Y/N have been getting in fights over you, I'm pretty sure that they're not gonna break up though, but we can make that happen, you want his friendship right? You can have that back, and I can have his love. Because I'm getting pissed, I'm done.. I'm not gonna be no more 'mr nice guy''.

(( "Oh me? Cody died, and it's no more mr nice guy season." Ptff I'm set it off trash sad-phan))

Kate answered immediately, 'Sounds like a deal, Carson. Tomorrow, meet me at Starbucks, and we'll go over the plan.'

// A small but powerful chapter, hope you enjoyed! 💙//

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