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((Holy shit thank you guys for 1k reads I didn't think this many people would read my book. I decided to update because I haven't updated in like 10 years so thank ya, loves, and here ya go!))

//Cody's POV//
That next morning I woke up and slipped on some jeans and a hourglass hoodie walking downstairs. No one was up yet, so I decided to take advantage of this, I put on my shoes, made sure my phone was in my pocket and walked out, quietly closing the door behind me.

Codysio- 'Hey, I'm on my way to Starbucks.'

Katiekillsyou- 'Same, see ya there.'

About 10 minutes later I was there. I saw her and smiled slightly, she made her way over to me, she was super skinny with blonde, shortish thin hair.

"Hey, your Kate right?" I asked already knowing it was obvious.

"Mhm, you're a lot cuter in person." She complimented with a smirk.

"Thanks..." I kinda got a bit suspicious about this. I didn't really notice my cheeks were a bit pink, i sighed and cleared my throat, "So.. you want anything? I can pay."

She nodded, "Chai latte, please."

I nodded and Paid for her drink along with just a simple cake pop for me.

We made our way to a table near the window and sat down. I studied her a bit, she was really pretty, and she seemed polite, what was so bad about her?

"So.." she began to speak, "What's your idea?" She said sipping her latte.

"Well, we could set Y/N, Maxx's girlfriend up, she seems to be pulling us away from Maxx ya know, I feel she taking him away from me.. us! From us!"

She smiled, "Good idea, we can frame her to make it look like she's cheating, Maxx hates cheaters.."

It was a bit cliché, but it would work, Maxx absolutely had no tolerance for cheaters, I knew that for being his best friend for a couple of years.

"Yeah, we can make it look like she's cheating on him with Zach, he's single and in that way, it will look like Zach turned too." I smirked a bit, these dark selfish thoughts filling my head.

"Zach? Who's that? I believe I've heard of him.." she asked out of curiosity.

I pulled out my phone and showed her a few pictures and then a video, she snickered at that, and she cleared her voice and pulled her attention away from him, "Sure." She said.

//Time skip to 1 week later//

A couple of weeks later, I made Zach and Y/N go in the same room, they wondered what it was for, but to me and Kate it all made sense. Maxx would come home and find them together, alone, but not only that, close together.

They were watching a funny video and Maxx walked upstairs "Babe! I'm home!" He held chipotle in his hand.

They were both snickering and there faces moved close to each other, Maxx walked in on this, his eyes widened and he dropped his chipotle, "Y/N.."

She looked up immediately, "It's not what it looks like! I swear Maxx please believe me!"

"I'm so done with you, I.. I.. I'm breaking up with you!"

Me and Kate were watching from the other room peaking our heads out. Our plan had worked perfectly, what we didn't know is that this lineup would change things...

//Ahhh! Yes Katie jo is in here now! If you don't know who she is, she's Zach's girlfriend, not into the story.. rn but irl. I hope you enjoyed! I'm actually proud of this chapter!//

•I promise you• Maxx danziger X reader Not finished..?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat