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•Hey! I'm back!•

Y/N was devastated, she tried all she could to convince Maxx that it wasn't at all what it looked like, but he wouldn't listen.

•Maxx's POV•
I am so done with Y/N's shit. I've given her chances on top of chances, but things still come up, I do love her, but this is officially our breaking point.

"Maxx please! I don't have any sort of affair with Zach." she begged from outside my bedroom door.

I sighed and made my way to the door opening it, "No, I'm sorry.."  I then closed it sitting back on the bed, our relationship was officially over.

((A couple days brought to you by Ryan Ross's beautiful eyes))

A couple days later after giving Maxx some space Cody went upstairs and too his room, to all the other people in the house Cody being so happy all of a sudden was very strange.

Cody knocked on Maxx's door, "Hey, can I come in?" He asked.

Maxx decided to let Cody in. Cody has always been there for him, even when he gave all his attention to Y/N, and Maxx respected that, "Sure!"

Cody walked in and sat down next to Maxx, "You okay? You haven't really socialized lately."

Maxx sighed, "Yeah, it's just.. I have no one to call my own anymore."

Cody felt a bit bad, he didn't want Maxx to feel like this, he never meant for Maxx to feel like this, he wanted Maxx to be happy, But with him.

"Well you have me!" Cody said wrapping an arm around Maxx, "I'm all yours, I won't leave you, I won't cheat on you, I won't lie." 

Maxx smiled and pressed a kiss to Cody's cheek, "Thank you, Cody.. I love you.."

Meanwhile, Katie had been getting really into Zach, she had followed his Instagram and had been looking at his pictures, she found interest in him.

She decided to Dm him.

Katiekillsyou- 'Hey, I'm a friend of Cody's and I just wanted to say, I think you're really funny and I would like to talk more.'

He saw this and immediately Texted back, he found as what she said as a complement, and also very kind.

Zachsio- 'Hey Thanks! And of course we can, ya know I think you're pretty! 😜'

Zach giggled a bit as he put down the emoji and sent it, the whole text captured his personality perfectly, especially the emoji.

Katie smiled and they continued talking,  exchanging funny little texts which eventually turned into a date weeks later, and then love.

•Hey sorry for being gone so long! But I'm back! And I gotta new chapter!•

•I promise you• Maxx danziger X reader Not finished..?Where stories live. Discover now