Beth's P.O.V

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Beth's P.O.V

He kissed me! He actually kissed me!!! EEEEEEE!!!!! Me and Blaine are holding hands too!!! I'm sooooo excited! But then again I'm sad because this is probably the only romantic moment I'll ever spend with Blaine. I'm not voting him out. But I know everyone else is. There isn't really any point to try and get my team to vote Duncan off. He actually did decent in the talent show. But so did Blaine! I want Duncan off! Not Blaine!

" Well, time to vote." Said Blaine.

" Yeah. I guess. " I said with an encouraging smile. " Maybe you won't get voted off."

" Like that would ever happen. "

" Yeah. But I'm not voting for you!"

" I know Beth. "

So me and Blaine walked off to go vote. Of course I chose Duncan.

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