Late Night Studies

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Meanie 3rd year college

Finally returning back to the studio with his drink and snacks, Wonwoo cracked his hands and sat back down to start his concept drawing. Everyone was already gone which was what he was counting on. Starting this late at night meant he would get the whole place for himself to focus and do whatever he wanted.

Humming along the new ballad song he downloaded, the young student started to draft a few ideas for the indoor garden, comparing them with his other interiors before erasing a few parts and drawing new ones. Peeking very quickly towards the clock, he noted the hour and started eating the chips.

Bzz. Bzz. Wonwoo smiled at the name of the caller. He would need to change the name back to normal. Mingyu would have probably learnt his lesson. 'Wonie~ What are you doing?' Mingyu's face greeted him and Wonwoo put the phone on the drafting table, close to the center so he can see his alpha without having to turn his face so much. 'Are you done with the design?'

'I'm doing the garden right now. Wanna see?'

'Show me!' Mingyu asked excitedly, and Wonwoo carried his phone over to show his work. Explaining the image he had in his head, answering his mate's curious questions, Wonwoo started to jot down a few new things he thought. He loves this. The late nights in the studio, with only his mate as his companion. Though rare, having Mingyu showing interest in what he does, and his eagerness to learn, not to mention his amazing ideas made his homework much more interesting. He never thought he would love architecture more than he already did. 'Are you done with the main hall?'


'Did you choose marble pillars?'

'No, Mingyu. The theme is futuristic.' He turned the camera towards himself, making a weird face to his alpha. They had a debate on the pillars last Saturday. Wonwoo wanted a rectangular, cement pillar but Mingyu kept trying to convince him that cylindrical marble ones are better. Needless to say, most of his research proved otherwise. 'Aww.'

'Why are you calling? Are you free?' Wonwoo looked at the time again. Normally, the medic student would be around the hospital, learning or writing reports by this hour. On weekdays, most of their interaction would be their dinners, and whenever possible, breakfasts. Calls in between were always short. It had been more than ten minutes yet Mingyu was still there. 'Yeah. They asked us to wait here for a while. Something came up.'

'You ate?' He asked, looking behind his mate to try to figure out where the man was. His best guess was the student lounge based on how many people they were.

'A bit.' Wonwoo suddenly showed his mate the bread he bought and bit it, teasing the other who could only laugh at his mischief. Returning the phone back in front of him, Wonwoo continued scribbling his work. On the other side, Mingyu did the same. - positioning his own phone somewhere on the table and reading his notes. Once in a while, they would tell each other what they were doing or something they found interesting but most of the time, they would mind their own business. And yet, both didn't want to hang up.

Although not talking, just seeing and hearing the other's movement was enough.

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