Meanie Imagines: Baby Edition

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Some imagines I had for your enjoyment~


Scene 1

When Mingyu brought Wonwoo to his grandmother's house the first time after their pregnancy discovery, the omega unconsciously hissed at Kris and hid behind his alpha. It took a while to convince Wonwoo to not mind the other alpha's presence.

Wonwoo's protective maternal instinct does not like non-family alphas around his baby.

Scene 2

Wonwoo does not like hanging around Mingyu's house because all the alpha children loves to follow him around and stick on him like glue. Alpha babies' natural instinct is to seek protection and comfort from omega mommies, and Wonwoo has the most prominent omega pheromone.

Wonwoo's milkshake brings all the babies to the yard.

Scene 3

The couple decided to go with induced labor because Wonwoo is afraid of the pain. He also wanted to make sure Mingyu is not busy with surgery so he will be by his side. But the baby decided to get out to the world one day earlier than planned, striking early in the morning and disrupting his parents' plan.

The boy is a stubborn, independent baby who listens to no one.

Scene 4

Wonwoo has a hard time letting Mingyu hold their first baby the first few months because he is afraid that the clumsy giant alpha will drop him. Or worse, crush him from all the snuggles. Because he once saw Mingyu squished and rubbed his face on a cat so forcefully his mate got bitten.

Mingyu did drop the kid once, but caught him just in time. He is determined to keep that incident a secret.

Scene 5

Mingyu reluctantly agrees to Wonwoo's absurd request to be called Appa if that is the first word to be spoken by their first-born. With a lot to lose, and almost no time with his child due of his work, Mingyu offers to take care of the baby if he is to wake up crying at night. He would whisper and teach the small alpha to say 'Mama' while showing Wonwoo's pictures.

His first blab was 'mbaba', but Wonu-eomma does not have to know that.

Scene 6

The children are extremely naughty, which Mingyu knows is a trait they inherit from their mother. They start forming a pack against their parents to get into and out of trouble the moment they learn how to talk. The couple always know when they lie though, because the children are also extremely clumsy, which, Wonwoo knows is a trait they inherit from their father.

Mingyu and Wonwoo wonders how their proud, clumsy offspring will survive.


Hi guys! Here's a quick Christmas update for you readers before we close on the last special chapter on Claimed <3<3

I always wanna try writing in this style because it's just so simple, and gets straight to the point. Which is perfect, because I really need to get these out of my systems because they interrupt my thought process xD

I'm working on the last chapter but it'll take a while... sorry!

In the meanwhile, hope you enjoyed reading! Love you guys so much!!

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