Wonwoo and Ramen

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Wonwoo and Ramen 1

Wonwoo likes ramen. He can never hate the simplest meal he could have with variety of flavours to keep him interested. Not to mention, the short preparation time and the portion that can keep him full, he has no reason to hate it.

Yes, Wonwoo likes ramen. He does not, love it.

If he has choose between fried chicken and ramen, he'll choose chicken. Burger and ramen? Burger. Provided, he does not have to make those food himself that is.

In short, Wonwoo would choose any other food against instant ramen anytime. If they taste good that is. The only reason why he eats a lot of ramen back then is for survival.

He does not have to do that anymore though. Not after meeting his alpha.

Mingyu will make him delicious food every single day they are together, or he will bring Wonwoo to various restaurants with good food if he do not have the time. Wonwoo is not the adventurous type when it comes to food so he always frequent the same place ordering the same menu once he finds his favourite. On the other hand, his alpha is a good eater and knows good place unlike him.

With Mingyu, everything is new.

However, even though outside food is good, Mingyu is a better cook. And Wonwoo loves his food, although he keeps that a secret. Whenever Wonwoo craves for his alpha's cooking, he just has to say those magic words and no matter the situation, Mingyu will be mysteriously motivated to make him something good. The words,

'I want ramen.'

Of course, after that he will have to answer Mingyu's question,

'Is it better than ramen?'

Which he will answer with a teasing unsatisfied face.

Yes, Wonwoo does not love ramen. But his loves his man's cooking. And he secretly loves being pampered so Wonwoo decided he will continue to pretend his favourite food is ramen.


Wonwoo and Ramen 2

Mingyu used to wonder if his cooking was bad enough that Wonwoo kept asking for ramen again and again. He used to feel bad about himself for not being able to get his lover/mate to eat healthy with his cooking skills and spent most of his free time researching for new menus to keep Wonwoo interested in him.

He used to wonder hard. Because he is a great cook, better than people around him. Heck, his cooking level is as good as gourmet restaurant's chefs.

Yes, he knew a few of them back in Europe. They all told him the same thing.

Mingyu is great cook and yet, Wonwoo still wanted ramen.

It used to bother him so much back then. That is, until he realized Wonwoo was playing around with him.

During the New Year he spent at the Jeons, he asked Mrs. Jeon about Wonwoo's favourite flavour of ramen and shockingly, the woman told him his son never eats instant ramen at home unlike his siblings. She also told him that Wonwoo only started to accept instant ramen after he got into college, because he can't cook and even then, will avoid them whenever he comes back home. It was at that moment, Mingyu recalled something important about his mate.

Wonwoo has a weird way of playing with people.

With that clarification, he also realized something else, something that brought him to cloud nine.

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