「Victim No. 4, 5, & 6」

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How did he even do that?

"N-No! Skull... please! Anything but that!" Inkfall backed against the wall with sweat and tears running down his face. Skull inched closer to Inkfall. "I know that you saw... and I can't have witnesses running around the streets," Skull slowly wraps his hands over Inkfall's neck, and then forcefully chokes on him. Inkfall gags as he was trying to push Skull away from him, but only Skull's grip grew even tighter. Inkfall struggles more as his hand grips Skull's arm squeezing it. But slowly, his hand loosened, and he accepted the fate that he has died in the hands of Skull.

Skull drops dead Inkfall onto the hard and hot concrete and went on with his daily life. Today is when Aviator comes back from visiting family, and Skull knew he was pretty happy to see him again. "SKULL WHAT THR FUCK?!!" a scream was suddenly heard. Skull blankly turns around to see Bobble and Mask standing together; they had witness what Skull had done and boy they were terrified. Skull couldn't have them alive either so he started to chase after them. Bobble tripped skidding along the ground. She cried out causing Mask to stop and turn around to help her.

Skull caught up to them. He shoved Mask away from Bobble, kicking her back down into the ground. Skull ripped off Mask's mask and shoved him into the flower bed. Bees surrounded him, stinging every part of his body. He screamed as he flared up and slowly started to choke to death.
Skull turned around to Bobble, she was already running away from him with tears streaming down her face.

He glared at her and ran after her smashing her head with the mask. She cried out as she fell to the ground and attempted to push Skull away from her. He sat on top of her continuing to hit her with the mask. She screamed as blood poured down her face and dribbled out of gashes. Slowly the screams died down to gurlges and blood clogged up her airway. He continued to smash in her head sloppily as he used up all of his energy. Hysterically, he giggled as already Bobble was in a bloody pulp, but he kept going. Blood spurts everywhere, also staining his skull bandana. Skull started to grow bored and got off of her leaving her to stain the grass a rusty color.

Skull walks back to his home to just relax, putting his now bloody clothing into the washer, dressing himself into fresh and clean. Skull grabs a sucker from a drawer in his kitchen and sticks it into his mouth as he sat down on the maroon colored loveseat. "Skull!" Aviator wraps his arms around Skull from behind him. Skull whipped around almost knocking the daylights out of Avi, but then he realized it was him and smiled. "Welcome back...." he smirked. Aviator chuckles and sat next to Skull.

"How was visiting your family?"

"Horrible as always, oh well though."

"That doesn't sound good..."

"Like I said, oh well silly!" Aviator pats Skull's head side smirking. "Anyway I was gonna go to one of Aloha's team's party if you're gonna join me~" Aviator got up. "Hmm, I don't know..." Skull shrugs. "Oh come on buzzkill, it would be nice if you did.... I'll be there~" Aviator then pull Skull up to his feet. "Fine... I guess... at least we'll hang out then..." Skull gave in, also to get to get his newly washed bandana.

"Let's go then...~"

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