「Victim No. 16」

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Was this the fate you always wanted?

"No... Army... no no no...." Aloha gasps with tears blinding him. First it was others, then Diver, and now Army. "Dammit I didn't even get to tell you how I felt!" Aloha broke down crying next to the piano, falling and curling to a ball. "...You were the only one I had left!" He chokes in between sobs. All he knows now that he's the only one left for Skull to kill.... he knows he looking for him. "Honey... don't cry now..." a hand touched his shoulder, Aloha tenses and was afraid to look to see who it was. He was lifted up to his feet by someone so familiar. "I want you to come with me dear," it was Army, or that's what Aloha thought it was. But all of his clothing was white; his parka, his tie, his punk cherries, etc. Aloha believed all of this was real and went along with it. "No more tears now okay? I want to take you somewhere with me..." Army's soft hand wipes his tears clean off his face.

Army then grabs Aloha's hand, slowly leading him to the rooftop. The air was cold and a bit foggy today, and the clouds above them turned gray like it was about to rain. "Someday we'll be together once more...." Army giggles leading him to the railing. Army motions Aloha to jump off the roof, "Don't worry.... I'll catch you!" Aloha started obeying, taking off his school loafers and climbing on the other side of the railing. He held on, feeling the wind trying to blow him away. But he snapped. He didn't remember what happened or how he got there. That was all in his head, and he knew he should live... for Army. He tried going back on the rooftop, but he felt hands push him.

Aloha let go as well, he knew Skull pushed him, he knew he was a murderer. Seconds passed and Aloha's body hits the cold concrete by the dumpster. Two girls from Aloha's team walk by, noticing the death of their leader. "A-Aloha?!" Octoglasses knelt down by his dead corpse trying to shake him awake. "Oh cod Octa! He's dead!!!" Straw Hat pulls her off of him sobbing. They were scream crying because he was now dead, only to think that Aloha himself committed suicide.

Skull was still on the rooftop, leaning over just a little to see where Aloha's corpse went. His phone vibrates in his pocket, a message from Aviator.

"Meet me in the square, it's really important"

The police examine the death of Army in the music room, taking his lifeless body out of the building. One single officer hears a scream and left the others to deal with Army. He wanders to the roof with the dim and cloudy sky above him. He examines his surroundings, noticing some shoes laid by the railing. "Someone committed suicide..." he thought, walking towards the shoes. The officer looks over the railing to see two girls staring at Aloha's dead body. A note was stuck in his shoe, reading this.


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