「Victim No. 15」

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I wonder... how did anyone else not hear that serenade....

Everyone the next day kept their distance from Aviator; which really confused him. It's  like they hated him, at least that's what he thought. When he looked at people, they would whip their heads away from him in a disgusted manner. What could of made people disown him like that?

"You feeling better now Avi?" Skull pats his head, surprising the short Aviator. "Yeah, I'm better now that you're here~" Aviator flirts, turning to Skull. Skull chuckles and kisses his forehead. Aviator yawns slipping away from Skull, "shit... I probably missed a lot in math didn't I?" "Yeah you did, but I'll catch ya up," Skull nods, sitting on the stairs. Aviator sits beside him, sneaking a cig. "Avi...! You know you'll get in trouble with that...." Skull warns him sighing. "Oh well if I do," Aviator shrugs as he lit a match, "besides, people like to keep a distance from me lately." "Maybe it's the stench of your cigarettes that's repelling everyone," Skull chuckles, smiling under this bandana. "Pfff whatever you say short cake...."

Aviator puffs some smoke, when suddenly Army trips into him from the stairs. He accidentally pins him to the ground. Army, being the most proper inkling, gets up. "My apologies Aviator..." he helps Avi to his feet, not even noticing that he had a cigarette dust all over him. "Don't sweat it bud, accidents happen," Aviator pats Army's shoulder. This made Skull pissed, made him want to tear Army to pieces like Half-Rim, but in front of Avi, he stayed quiet. "Eheh... I guess... oh and hello Skull," Army nods, then walking off. Bell rings of course, making everyone go crazy in the halls to do what they need to do. "Well if you excuse me Skully, I'll be outside for my cig break so I'll see ya later..." Aviator started acting different, leaving Skull inside.

Skull was just growing pissed at everyone, and who he needed to take it out on was Army, since he was the latest person he got frustrated with. Skull storms off to his locker grabbing a gun, which is strictly prohibited unless they are turf war made. This gun though, had killer squid bullets, that instantly kill the inkling no matter where it hits them. Skull storms upstairs, hearing a sweet serenade of Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words Op.19 No.1 in E Major.

It made him try to rethink as the music tried to take all feeling of emotions. His pace to the music room was slower, and slower. But he marched in there, not noticing a small pink inkling around the corner by the bathrooms. About a few minutes in to the piece Army was playing, Skull has stealthily went into the room, making a clicking noise to getting ready to shoot.


A bang was heard, which scared Aloha awake. He noticed he was at the school still leaning against the wall, hearing sudden pounding keys of non-satisfaction. Aloha slowly staggers up turning to see Skull leaving to another hallway. Also, there was no music, this made Aloha worry a little. He went down to where Army played; every day he would listen to him, 'was Army already finished playing?' He thought. Aloha arrives at the doors of the music room, which the door was cracked opened. He slowly opens the door, and Aloha turned completely pale. The white keys and piano music was dyed red with polka dots. A hole was created in the back of Army's head, as his head was laying on the keys of the piano. Aloha nauseously walks over to him, looking at his pale and cold face.

"Army.... no...."

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