Please Don't Hurt Yourself

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This story contains themes of suicide and self harm etc some readers might find triggering or upsetting.

🚫TRIGGER WARNING🚫 This story contains themes of suicide and self harm etc some readers might find triggering or upsetting

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Sarah stops the reader from self-harming.

(y/n)- your name

You're crumpled in a heap on the bathroom floor, the thoughts in your head are so loud they are shouting at you. You clamp your hands over your ears, "shut up, shut up!"
You'd felt like more of a burden on everyone this week than you usually do, you hated interrupting people's lives or dragging them down with you as you always say, but it's just lies that you tell yourself.

In reality your family and friends just want to do everything they can to make sure you're okay, but you're not, especially not right now.

Your hands are still clamped over your ears, you bury your head in your knees as tears start burning behind your eyes and you're shaking trying not to burst into full on sobs.

You know what your brain is telling you to do, just cut yourself and you'll feel better, just cut yourself and the voices will stop, you look towards the bathroom cabinet where you keep all the razors.
I can't do this anymore, I just want it all to go away, I'm tired of feeling like this and tired of fighting a battle with myself every fucking day.

You start getting up just as your phone goes off making you jump, you catch sight of the screen and see your favourite goofy picture of you and Sarah you'd set as her caller photo, you remember the night it was taken and smile for a moment but you can't bring yourself to pick it up not wanting to worry her.

It goes off again, she will be more worried if I don't pick up.
You use every ounce of strength you have to answer you phone, trying to gather yourself as your hands shake and tears run silently down your face.

You can't mask the pain in your voice when you hear her say your name at the other end, her soft voice makes you melt, "Sarah" you sniff, trying to hold the tears back as you wipe your nose on your sleeve.

"(y/n) what's wrong sweetheart?" Her voice changes, laced with panic and worry, "please tell me, please."

Your breath is stifled as you cough, continuing to battle tears, "I-I can't do this anymore."

Sarah gets a pang of horror in the pit of her stomach, she knows what you mean, you've tried to commit suicide once before and you sound the same as you did that day, it brings it all back to her.

SARAH PAULSON|♡|Mental Health X-readers Where stories live. Discover now