Please Don't Leave Me

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[Story♡Request]The reader is fearful they will lose Sarah, due to ongoing issues managing their mental health

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The reader is fearful they will lose Sarah, due to ongoing issues managing their mental health.

(h/c) hair colour
(e/c) eye colour
(f/s) favourite snack

You're sitting on the sofa with your phone glued to your hand.
You'd text Sarah twice and tried to ring once but hadn't heard back from her yet.

You'd lost your temper with her the other day.
She'd only been trying to help you, but you'd felt as if she was being too pushy - trying to get you to eat and take a walk with her when you'd just wanted to stay in bed with the curtains drawn all day.

She hates me...
She's never going to speak to me again.
Why am I like this?! Fuck...

Just as your thoughts are starting to become overwhelming, a loud knock at the door makes you jump.

You hop up quickly, hoping it's who you think it is - you'd recognise that stupid knock anywhere.
It's Sarah!
A wave of relief washes over you as you shut the door behind her.

"Hi Paulson."

"Hello sweetheart."

She looks kind of pissed off like she's just going through the motions and visiting to check I haven't done anything stupid.

"Look, I'm sorry about the other day," you blurt out, "I know I'm such a fucking pain sometimes and I don't deserve your help-"

Sarah cuts you off.
"What do you mean you don't deserve
my help? You deserve everything-"

You give into the burn of tears behind your eyes as you get a new wave of guilt for shouting at her the other day. You hate yourself for it.

"Don't cry (y/n) please.
Listen, you do deserve help.
None of this is your fault.
I see you fight a battle with yourself everyday, sometimes just to get out of bed in the morning.
And everyday you get through it - you make me so proud."

She looks into your (e/c) eyes and wipes the last of your tears away.

"I just get scared one day you'll get fed up of me and leave.
Why can't I be normal?" You sniff, wiping your nose with your sleeve.

Sarah moves her hand to your forehead, brushing your (h/c) hair out of your face.
"Hey, do you think I'm normal?!"

You let out a laugh that gets caught in your throat, Sarah pats your back as it makes you cough.

She's smiling at you with all her perfect teeth, "there's that dopey laugh," she grins.

She puts a hand under your chin, bringing your face right up to hers to meet her gaze again.
"I'm not going anywhere, you'll never get rid of me."

You smile, thankful.

"And I don't ever want you thinking that, okay?
You put up with plenty from me too and you're always here when I need you, despite everything."

She throws her arms round you, giving you a big squeeze.

You bury your head into her soft jumper and you can smell her perfume - she always wears the same one and the smell somehow makes you feel safe.

"We all have shit that's happening in our lives. Nobody is 'normal.'
We all just do what we can to get through the day, whatever that is."

She looks down at you, "I love you."

You keep your head buried in her chest, "I love you too."

"Right, I'll go and get (f/s) and you sit down and browse through Netflix for about 2 hours, to find something we can actually watch," she chuckles as she goes into the kitchen.

You take a seat and fumble for the tv remote.

"And nothing with me in it!
You know I can't fucking stand watching myself!" She shouts.

You laugh to yourself as a cheeky grin spreads across your face.

Birdbox it is.

You pull your favourite blanket off the sofa arm and snuggle underneath it - just as you hear rain start to pound down against the window.

Hope you enjoyed.
Keep your requests coming in, I love writing for you lot knowing it helps you a little bit. Helyn 💋

SARAH PAULSON|♡|Mental Health X-readers Where stories live. Discover now