Dr.Ellie Staple|♡| Session 6

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_____INFO(y/n) - your name_____

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(y/n) - your name

"Hello (y/n).
How are you feeling about our last session?"

"Nervous, I guess."


"I've gotten used to coming here, I'm not always great with change."

"I think it's probably more your need for habitual routine than anything else that's making you anxious.
You don't need me, you never did.
You're not the same young woman who walked into this room almost 2 months ago."

"You're right, I drove here and everything," you let out the first genuine laugh you've had for weeks.

"I'm truly proud of you, you're becoming the person I already knew you were when I met you - the person you've always been underneath it all, but now you're stronger."

"Thank you."

"Just because this is our last session it doesn't mean you can't come back to me if you feel like it might be helpful and call me any time, really."

"We haven't known each other that long - we don't really know each other I guess but...I'll miss you, is that weird?"

Dr. Ellie smiles, showing all her straight white teeth.

"It's not weird - I haven't seen any other private patients these past couple of months, it's been quiet.
And it's certainly been quiet at home - I'll miss you, too.
It's been my pleasure, I know this has been short but I wanted to see you in person to bring an end to our sessions."

"It's okay, I'm off today so I was free."

Ellie stands up holding her arms out to you.
You stand up right after her, leaning into them and wrapping  your own arms around her waist.

It's kind of weird, hugging my therapist.
I usually hate their fucking guts.

You give her a small squeeze before leaning out of the hug as a sudden pang of sadness hits you over having to leave Ellie Staple behind.

"I'll speak to you soon."

"Absolutely, make the most of the rest of your day off."

"I will."

She opens the heavy door for you - the familiar creek echoes round the room and out into the sterile corridor.

You both exchange one final smile as it closes and walk out the ornate building towards your car.


End of Dr.Ellie sessions ♡.
Sorry it took me so long to update - this isn't the best, but I've just found it really difficult to get into the right headspace to bring the sessions to a close Idk why.
I probably will do more of these based around different things like eating disorders, depression, self harm etc.

SARAH PAULSON|♡|Mental Health X-readers Where stories live. Discover now