Dr.Ellie Staple|♡| Session 5

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This fictional x-reader is in no way intended to replace professional medical advice or medication. This fictional x-reader is in no way intended to replace professional medical advice or medication.

INFO(y/n) - your name

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(y/n) - your name


"Hello (y/n), how's your arm?" Ellie gives you a warm smile.

I still feel like an idiot for cutting myself last week...

"It's fine, thanks. The stitches will be coming out in a few days right?"

"Yes, I'll give you a call next week to arrange having them taken out.
So, this week let's get back to your list.
I have down here number 2 is: 'I want to be able to drive my car again so I can have more freedom', is that correct?"

"Yeah, I used to drive everywhere but now it just gives me such bad anxiety and last time I got behind the wheel I had a panic attack and my friend had to drive us back to my house.
I've never had a crash or anything, I don't know why it scares me so much."

"How long have you been driving for?"

"About 6 years, I never had any trouble with it until my anxiety started to get really bad again last year - even times in the past when I've had other problems I've been able to drive still, I guess it just comes out in different ways every time."

"You're right it does, anxiety and other mental health issues manifest themselves in a number of ways. When was the last time you went out in your car, when you had the panic attack?"

"Erm...Probably almost a year ago, my anxiety has been pretty bad for years but sometimes it's worse than others - when it's really bad I get constant panic attacks."

"This might be a silly question, but what sets them off?
Is it when you're doing something or going to do something which gives you anxiety or have they just hit you from out of nowhere before?"

"I think they've always been when I'm anxious, I can't remember ever having one when I've just been like sat at home watching tv or something."

"That's usually true as well for the majority of people I've worked with. I've had a few panic attacks in the past myself so I understand what you're going through, they can be terrifying, even more so if you're in a situation that could put you in danger - such as whilst you're driving.
Have you thought about having somebody who you trust go out with you in the car, somewhere quiet where you could perhaps practise a little driving?
And if there were any problems at all they'd be able to take over from you straight away."

"I never really thought about it, I almost feel like I'm learning to drive all over again.
My dad is really good in stressful situations I guess, my mum tends to just make them worse, not that she means to."

Ellie chuckles as though she knows exactly what you're talking about, "I understand.
Friends and family always mean well, but it can be hard to figure out how they can help best sometimes I think - especially when they've not had any experience of anxiety, depression etc first hand.
But give some thought to what I've said, this week work on going out for a short trip in the car.
You could literally drive a couple of moments and not be able to go any further, that's fine, but I want to see your will to try, yes?"

"Yeah, I'll try."

"You've been doing so well in these sessions, really, you couldn't even walk down the road when I first met you now you're onto working on something else and it doesn't seem so bad now does it?"

You smile at her before catching sight of the clock on the wall.

Ellie glances at it too, "we ran a little bit over but nevermind.
Is somebody here to pick you up?"

"Actually, I got the bus," you feel a bit silly being so proud of a seemingly small achievement, but to you it's huge and Ellie recognises that.

That's amazing sweetheart, I'm sure you'll be back driving in no time.
I''ll see you next week, good luck."

"Bye Dr- bye Ellie," you smirk at her as you close the heavy door behind you.

Better late than never for this session eh!
This one was so random but I literally couldn't drive for almost 2 years when my anxiety was bad and I did actually get a couple of panic attacks behind the wheel which was pretty dangerous.
I was lucky I had my wife with me to drive or I could've had a serious accident.
In the UK most people drive manual or a stick (is that what you say in America? 😂) so my anxiety came from constantly stalling the engine or from the fear of stalling the engine. I have an automatic now though and I love it 😍.
People underestimate mental health issues all the time, but the physical symptoms that impact your life can be just as terrifying and debilitating as the symptoms people can't necessarily see.
There will be a couple more sessios after this and then I will probably have a break from these stories for a little while.
Helyn 💋

SARAH PAULSON|♡|Mental Health X-readers Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora