Dr.Ellie Staple|♡| Session 4

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This fictional x-reader is in no way intended to replace professional medical advice or medication.

🚫TRIGGER WARNING This session contains themes of self-harm and suicidal thoughts and behaviour some readers might find triggering or upsetting

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This session contains themes of self-harm and suicidal thoughts and behaviour some readers might find triggering or upsetting.🚫
(y/n) - your name


"Hi (y/n)."

Dr.Ellie gives you a warm smile which you return, you can keep eye contact with her a lot longer now- something you always find difficult when meeting new people.


"How did you get on last week?"

You shift uneasily in your chair as you feel your arm throbbing beneath your jacket.

I cut myself for the first time in months, so pretty shit.

She tilts her head, noticing your body language, "what is it (y/n)?
You can tell me sweetheart."

You shuffle around a few more times before you pluck up the courage to tell her.

"I-I cut my arm-"

Dr.Ellie looks down at the arm you're holding, "do you need me to take a look at it."


She raises a hand up, "okay, don't worry.
Did you dress it correctly and disinfect it?"

You hadn't thought about any of that at the time, you'd just wanted to whack the dressing over it and let it heal like you always did, but you couldn't lie.

"No, it just has a dressing on it."

"Okay, well you don't have to show me.
But if it gets infected you'll have to go to the hospital and show a perfect stranger."

She's right...

Reluctantly you take your jacket off and roll up your sweater sleeve, wincing as the material drags across the hard, blood-encrusted dressing.

Dr.Ellie takes your arm making you wince again, "it's okay (y/n).
That dressing is stuck, let me take it off and clean it."

You nod and she leaves the room, it seems like she's gone a while but in reality only 5 minutes have passed when you look back at the clock as she sits down in front of you again, taking your arm.

SARAH PAULSON|♡|Mental Health X-readers Where stories live. Discover now